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class %CSP.Login extends %CSP.Page

Provide a default login and security-token pages for CSP applications. User can override the look of this page by creating a subclass and overriding the DrawTitle method and the LOGINTITLE and LOGO parameters.

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = %UtilityLogin;
Login page localization domain
parameter LOGINTITLE = Login Page;
Title displayed for login page.
Users can override this value to customize the login page.
Corporate logo displayed in standard title.
No longer used.
parameter STYLESHEET;
Name of stylesheet used for login page.
Not used by default page: styles come from the DrawSTYLE method.


classmethod DrawCSS3STYLE()
Draw the style definitions for the login page.
Users can override this method to customize the login page.
classmethod DrawHEAD(pTitle="")
Draw the HEAD section of the login page.
Users can override this method to customize the login page.
classmethod DrawSTHEAD()
Draw the HEAD section of the security token page.
Users can override this method to customize the security token page.
classmethod DrawSTTitle(pTitle As %String)
Draw the title section of the security token page.
pTitle is the title for the page.
Users can override this method to customize the security token page.
classmethod DrawSTYLE()
Draw the style definitions for the login page.
Users can override this method to customize the login page.
classmethod DrawTitle(pTitle As %String)
Draw the title section of the login page.
pTitle is the title for the page.
Users can override this method to customize the login page.
classmethod DrawTitleSection(ByRef msgs As %String)
Draw the title section of the page.
pTitle is the title for the page.
Users can override this method to customize the page title section.
classmethod OnErrorSetup(ByRef skipheader As %Boolean) as %Boolean
This is called before the OnPreHTTP and will handle the HyperEvents logout issues It will refresh the main page by default unless a javascript function called 'cspRunServerMethodError' is defined in which case it will call this instead
classmethod OnLoginPage() as %Status
classmethod OnPage() as %Status
Output the default login page as HTML
classmethod OnPreHTTP() as %Boolean
Determine if we need login CSRF tokens and if so add them. If a login page subclass overrides this method it should call this implementation to ensure we set the login CSRF tokens if needed.
classmethod OnSecurityTokenPage() as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


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