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class EnsLib.ITK.AdapterKit.Service.SOAPService extends EnsLib.ITK.Framework.Service.SOAPServiceBase

ITK Switchboard SOAP Service

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SETTINGS = AuthorizedApplications,InvocationPattern;
Inherited description: Can't do grace period without an OnTask loop


property AuthorizedApplications as %String);
Semi-colon ';' separted value list of applications authorised to invoke this service
Property methods: AuthorizedApplicationsDisplayToLogical(), AuthorizedApplicationsGet(), AuthorizedApplicationsIsValid(), AuthorizedApplicationsLogicalToDisplay(), AuthorizedApplicationsLogicalToOdbc(), AuthorizedApplicationsNormalize(), AuthorizedApplicationsSet()
property InvocationPattern as %String;
Whether requests made a synchronous or asychronous
Property methods: InvocationPatternDisplayToLogical(), InvocationPatternGet(), InvocationPatternIsValid(), InvocationPatternLogicalToDisplay(), InvocationPatternLogicalToOdbc(), InvocationPatternNormalize(), InvocationPatternSet()


method AuthorizeRequest(Output invocationPattern) as %Boolean
Inherited description: Implemented by derived classes
method DetermineGenericService(Output pClass As %String, Output pMethod As %String)
Inherited description: Implemented by derived classes

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


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