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abstract persistent class %Document.Persistent extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: %Document.Persistent

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property %Document as %Document.Object;
Property methods: %DocumentGet(), %DocumentGetSwizzled(), %DocumentIsValid(), %DocumentNewObject(), %DocumentSet(), %DocumentSetObject(), %DocumentSetObjectId(), %DocumentUnSwizzle()


method %DocumentGetObject(force As %Integer = 0) as %Library.ObjectIdentity
method %DocumentGetObjectId(force As %Integer = 0) as %Library.String
classmethod %Get(id As %Integer = "", pDocument As %Binary = "", pFieldExpr As %String(MAXLEN="")="") as %Binary [ SQLProc = Get ]
Projected as the stored procedure: Get

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (%Document.Persistent)

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