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class %ZEN.Mojo.Plugin.charts101Helper extends %ZEN.Mojo.Plugin.baseHelperPlugin

This plugin adds support for the Chart.js library. It was developed and tested with Chart.js version 1.0.1-beta.4. 1.0.4 - NAN025 - add support for $hide and $show to charts plugin 1.0.3 - add support for $ignoreSelect 1.0.2 - JBE061 - Charts: Add support for $refresh 1.0.1 - Global Availability 0.1.2 - support event handlers for all chart types 0.1.1 - correct minor bug: one canvas attribute did not close a double quote.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter XMLNAME = charts-1.0.1-Helper;
This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property pluginName as %String [ InitialExpression = "charts-1.0.1-Helper" ];
The unique name of the Plugin. All features of this plugin will be registered using this identifier.
Property methods: pluginNameDisplayToLogical(), pluginNameGet(), pluginNameIsValid(), pluginNameLogicalToDisplay(), pluginNameLogicalToOdbc(), pluginNameNormalize(), pluginNameSet()
property version as %String (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = "1.0.4" ];
A version string of the base helper plugin. Major/Minor/Build
Property methods: versionDisplayToLogical(), versionGet(), versionIsValid(), versionLogicalToDisplay(), versionLogicalToOdbc(), versionNormalize(), versionSet()


clientmethod addData(key, data, labelOrIndex) [ Language = javascript ]
This method adds data to the chart specified by key. The third parameter of this method is supposed to be a dataset index in doughnut, pie, and polar charts.
clientmethod createLayoutObjects(type, instance) [ Language = javascript ]
Create a layout object for a document item. These objects form the layout graph used to render the document. Each layout object contains the context and code needed to render itself.
clientmethod getFeatures() [ Language = javascript ]
This method returns an array containing objects which describe all layout elements the plugin supports. Each object in the list has to set the property 'identifier' in order to register this layout element for this plugin. In case multiple plugins register for the same feature the documentView component will indicate this conflict. Use the getPluginConflicts method in order to retrieve the conflicts. The first plugin which registers a features will be used for dispatching in case there is a conflict. If you want to change preference use the setPluginMapping method of the documentView
clientmethod onCheckLibraries() [ Language = javascript ]
This method is supposed to check that all required libraries have been loaded. Returns true for success, false otherwise.
clientmethod removeData(key, index) [ Language = javascript ]
This method removes data from the chart specified by key. The index variable only applies to doughnut, pie, and polar charts. If index is not specified, the last data element is removed. The other charts simply remove the first variable.
clientmethod update(key) [ Language = javascript ]
This method updates and re-renders the chart specified by key.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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