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class EnsPortal.EDI.SEF.SchemaMain extends EnsPortal.EDI.Template

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter CSSINCLUDES = ensemble/Ensemble_Wizards.css,ensemble/Ensemble_EDI.css;
Inherited description: Comma-separated list of additional CSS include files for the page. If this page is using CSS3 then the CSS3INCLUDES parameter is used (if defined).
parameter PAGENAME = View Schemas;
Displayed name of this page.


property Family as %String (ZENURL = "FAMILY");
Property methods: FamilyDisplayToLogical(), FamilyGet(), FamilyIsValid(), FamilyLogicalToDisplay(), FamilyLogicalToOdbc(), FamilyNormalize(), FamilySet()
property Status as %String;
Property methods: StatusDisplayToLogical(), StatusGet(), StatusIsValid(), StatusLogicalToDisplay(), StatusLogicalToOdbc(), StatusNormalize(), StatusSet()
property canViewFileSystem as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = $system.Security.Check("%Ens_ViewFileSystem","USE") ];
Is the user permitted to access the fileSelect popup.
Property methods: canViewFileSystemDisplayToLogical(), canViewFileSystemGet(), canViewFileSystemIsValid(), canViewFileSystemLogicalToDisplay(), canViewFileSystemLogicalToXSD(), canViewFileSystemNormalize(), canViewFileSystemSet(), canViewFileSystemXSDToLogical()


Inherited description: Return the array of links to show in the locator bar.
method %OnAfterCreatePage() as %Status
Decorate the page.
method %OnGetPageName() as %String
Get the (localized) name of the page.
classmethod DoImport(pFilename As %String, pFamily As %String) as %String
Designed to run in a background job using the method DoImportInBackground which invokes %RunBackgroundMethod(). Based on a similar method in EnsPortal.ArchiveManager.
classmethod DoImportInBackground(pFilename As %String, pFamily As %String) as %ZEN.Datatype.string [ ZenMethod ]
Run method DoImport() in a background job. Return 1 if this works out ok, an error string if there is an error in running the job (regardless of the results of the method DoImport() itself).
method DoRemove(pCategory As %String) as %Boolean [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod DrawContent(pSeed As %String) as %Status
Draw main HTML content for this page.
method DrawStatus(seed As %ZEN.Datatype.string) as %Status
Draw current import status; intended for use with background import jobs.
classmethod GetCompletionValue() as %Boolean
classmethod GetDefaultDir() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
classmethod GetHyperEventResources(pMethod As %String = "") as %String
Callback to return a list of resources required for a specific HyperEvent. The user must have sufficient privileges on one of the resource/permission pairs to be permitted to execute the hyperevent. An empty string implies the user already has sufficient privileges for the ZenMethod specified in pMethod.
classmethod GetImportStatus() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Use when the import job is running in the background to check on running status. Returns either "running" or "idle" or "done".
classmethod GetJobStatus() as %String [ ZenMethod ]
Use when the import job is running in the background to check on error status. An empty string means no error; otherwise it is an error message.
classmethod GetRunningDuration() as %String
Use when the import job is running in the background to check on status. Gets the number of seconds job has been running (or ran, if complete) and formats it nicely as a string.
classmethod GetRunningFileName() as %String
Use when the import job is running in the background to check on status.
classmethod GetRunningStartTime() as %String
Use when the import job is running in the background to check on status.
classmethod GetRunningStatus() as %String
Use when the import job is running in the background to check on running status. Returns either "running" or "idle" or "done".
method OnGetRibbonInfo(Output pDisplay As %Boolean, Output pViewIcons As %List, Output pSortOptions As %List, Output pSearchBox As %Boolean, Output pRibbonTitle As %String, Output pCommands As %List) as %Status
Get information to display in the ribbon bar.
classmethod SetCompletionValue(pValue As %Integer) as %Boolean
classmethod SetDefaultDir(pPathname As %String) [ ZenMethod ]
clientmethod browseSelect(name, wild) [ Language = javascript ]
User clicked one of the Browse buttons. Save the name of the textfield so that when you return you know which textfield to update.
clientmethod btnOK() [ Language = javascript ]
clientmethod changeAction() [ Language = javascript ]
What to do when the user selects a new actionSpec value.
clientmethod changeURLNamespace(value) as %String [ Language = javascript ]
The input value is the name of the new namespace to switch to. This method will need to be overridden for classes such as EnsPortal.EDIDocumentView which cannot work without a URL parameter provided.
clientmethod doStatus() [ Language = javascript ]
This timer method calls a server method to get the current background import job status and update the UI.
clientmethod onPopupAction(popupName, action, value) [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the a popup page launched from this page fires an action.
clientmethod onloadHandler() [ Language = javascript ]
This client event, if present, is fired when the page is loaded. Start the timer so we can check the status. If there is a background import job currently running, you will see a periodic update until the job is finished.
clientmethod timeout(timer) [ Language = javascript ]
This function controls the timer on updating progress. It is called from onload as well (in case a background import job is currently being run when the page is opened).

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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