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abstract class %BI.WebKnowledge

Method Inventory


classmethod AddCategory(parentID, catName, catCnsltant, catDscrption, thrOrder, pstOrder, thrOrderBy, helpdesk, postTitle, viewers, module, preModule)
classmethod AddPivotAsKBCat(pivID)
This method will add a pivot created by the user as a cat in the Knowledge Base Category : Pivot
classmethod CheckExistence(currentUser, catID)
classmethod CheckPermission(currID)
classmethod CheckRestrictions(currParentID, mode)
classmethod CountSubCat(parentID As %String) as %String
classmethod DelListType(type, id)
classmethod DelPost(postID, threadID, currID)
classmethod DeleteCategories(parentID, selectedPage)
classmethod DispChildCatListings(catID, start, offset)
classmethod DispThread(catID, scrollLvl, offSet, S1, P1, P2, T1)
classmethod DisplayUpCategory(currID)
classmethod EditPost(postID, currID, threadID, postTitle, postMessage, status, priority, typePost, module, type)
classmethod GenBrdCrumbThread(catID, down, offSet)
classmethod InitializeKB()
classmethod LoadAddCatForm()
classmethod LoadBrdCrmbs(childID)
classmethod LoadEditCatForm(catID)
classmethod LoadPagesIndex(parentID, catPerPage, selectedPage, slots)
classmethod RefreshThread(postID, threadID, currID)
classmethod RetrieveCategoryName(CategoryId)
classmethod SaveEditArea(currID, threadID, text)
classmethod SaveListType(type, id, first, second, third)
classmethod SortThread(sortID As %String)
classmethod UpdateCategory(parentID, catName, catCnsltant, catDscrption, thrOrder, pstOrder, thrOrderBy, helpdesk, postTitle, viewers, module, preModule)
classmethod ViewPivotCat(pivID)
classmethod changePerson(selID, val, threadID, catID, sequent)
classmethod checkIfUnsubscribe(threadId)
classmethod checkPass(oldPass, newPass, confirmPass)
classmethod checkUsername(username)
classmethod loadListType(type, id)
classmethod loadUserDetail()
classmethod preModule(value)
classmethod saveMailThread(value)
classmethod saveUserDetail(username, newPass, emailAddr)
classmethod subscribe(value)
classmethod unsubscribe(value)
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