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class Aviation.Metrics.Builder extends %iKnow.Metrics.MetricBuilder

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property SimilarEntIds [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: SimilarEntIdsDisplayToLogical(), SimilarEntIdsGet(), SimilarEntIdsIsValid(), SimilarEntIdsLogicalToDisplay(), SimilarEntIdsLogicalToOdbc(), SimilarEntIdsNormalize(), SimilarEntIdsSet()
property SourceFreqs [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: SourceFreqsDisplayToLogical(), SourceFreqsGet(), SourceFreqsIsValid(), SourceFreqsLogicalToDisplay(), SourceFreqsLogicalToOdbc(), SourceFreqsNormalize(), SourceFreqsSet()
property TotalSourceCount as %Integer;
Property methods: TotalSourceCountDisplayToLogical(), TotalSourceCountGet(), TotalSourceCountIsValid(), TotalSourceCountLogicalToDisplay(), TotalSourceCountNormalize(), TotalSourceCountSet()


method CalculateEntUniMetrics(pEntUniId As %Integer, pEntUniValue As %String, Output pValues) as %Status
Inherited description:

This is the main method a custom MetricBuilder should implement to support metrics targeting entities. Depending on the value of Type, the properties CurrentSrcId (for $$$IKMTRTYPESOURCE), CurrentFieldName and CurrentFieldValue (for $$$IKMTRTYPEGROUP) or neither of these (for $$$IKMTRTYPEDOMAIN) will define the scope for which metrics should be calculated.

For a given unique entity pEntUniId, this method should calculate all metrics it knows about and return them through pValues in an array indexed by metric name: pValues(metricName) = value

method CalculateSourceMetrics(pSourceId As %Integer, Output pValues) as %Status

This is the main method a custom MetricBuilder should implement to support metrics targeting sources. Depending on the value of Type, the properties CurrentSrcId (for $$$IKMTRTYPESOURCE), CurrentFieldName and CurrentFieldValue (for $$$IKMTRTYPEGROUP) or neither of these (for $$$IKMTRTYPEDOMAIN) will define the scope for which metrics should be calculated.

For a given source pSourceId in the context of a given source pSrcId, this method should calculate all metrics it knows about and return them through pValues in an array indexed by metric name: pValues(metricName) = value

method OnAfterBuildMetricsForGroup() as %Status

Utility method called after a MetricBuilder instance finishes building any metrics for the group identified by CurrentFieldName and CurrentFieldValue, for metrics of type $$$IKMTRTYPEGROUP.

method OnAfterBuildMetricsForSource(pSrcId As %Integer) as %Status
Inherited description:

Utility method called after a MetricBuilder starts building any metrics for the source identified by pSrcId, for metrics of type $$$IKMTRTYPESOURCE.

method OnBeforeBuildMetrics() as %Status

Utility method called before a MetricBuilder starts building any metrics, in which custom code can be executed to set up any auxiliary objects or data structures.

Note: depending on the value of SUPPORTSMULTIPROCESS, multiple MetricBuilder instances can be running alongside one another

method OnBeforeBuildMetricsForGroup() as %Status

Utility method called before a MetricBuilder instance starts building any metrics for the group identified by CurrentFieldName and CurrentFieldValue, for metrics of type $$$IKMTRTYPEGROUP.

method OnBeforeBuildMetricsForSource(pSrcId As %Integer) as %Status
Inherited description:

Utility method called before a MetricBuilder instance starts building any metrics for the source identified by pSrcId, for metrics of type $$$IKMTRTYPESOURCE.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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