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persistent class DBMTables.Confluence.Pages extends %Library.Persistent, %XML.Adaptor

SQL Table Name: DBMTables_Confluence.Pages

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter PAGESINBATCH = 10;
parameter XMLNAME = Page;
Inherited description: This parameter provides the default XMLNAME for the class. If it is empty then the class name will be used to construct a default XML name. The default XMLNAME is used as the top level tag when exporting objects and the export context did not provide an XML container name.


property BaseURL as %String);
Property methods: BaseURLDisplayToLogical(), BaseURLGet(), BaseURLGetStored(), BaseURLIsValid(), BaseURLLogicalToDisplay(), BaseURLLogicalToOdbc(), BaseURLNormalize(), BaseURLSet()
property ChildPages as %String);
Property methods: ChildPagesDisplayToLogical(), ChildPagesGet(), ChildPagesGetStored(), ChildPagesIsValid(), ChildPagesLogicalToDisplay(), ChildPagesLogicalToOdbc(), ChildPagesNormalize(), ChildPagesSet()
property ConfluenceURL as %String);
Property methods: ConfluenceURLDisplayToLogical(), ConfluenceURLGet(), ConfluenceURLGetStored(), ConfluenceURLIsValid(), ConfluenceURLLogicalToDisplay(), ConfluenceURLLogicalToOdbc(), ConfluenceURLNormalize(), ConfluenceURLSet()
property Filename as %String);
Property methods: FilenameDisplayToLogical(), FilenameGet(), FilenameGetStored(), FilenameIsValid(), FilenameLogicalToDisplay(), FilenameLogicalToOdbc(), FilenameNormalize(), FilenameSet()
property GeneratedWithNOBROKEN as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: GeneratedWithNOBROKENDisplayToLogical(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENGet(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENGetStored(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENIsValid(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENLogicalToDisplay(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENLogicalToXSD(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENNormalize(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENSet(), GeneratedWithNOBROKENXSDToLogical()
property HaveCheckedForChildren as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HaveCheckedForChildrenDisplayToLogical(), HaveCheckedForChildrenGet(), HaveCheckedForChildrenGetStored(), HaveCheckedForChildrenIsValid(), HaveCheckedForChildrenLogicalToDisplay(), HaveCheckedForChildrenLogicalToXSD(), HaveCheckedForChildrenNormalize(), HaveCheckedForChildrenSet(), HaveCheckedForChildrenXSDToLogical()
property HaveEnd as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HaveEndDisplayToLogical(), HaveEndGet(), HaveEndGetStored(), HaveEndIsValid(), HaveEndLogicalToDisplay(), HaveEndLogicalToXSD(), HaveEndNormalize(), HaveEndSet(), HaveEndXSDToLogical()
property HaveNew as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HaveNewDisplayToLogical(), HaveNewGet(), HaveNewGetStored(), HaveNewIsValid(), HaveNewLogicalToDisplay(), HaveNewLogicalToXSD(), HaveNewNormalize(), HaveNewSet(), HaveNewXSDToLogical()
property HaveOld as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HaveOldDisplayToLogical(), HaveOldGet(), HaveOldGetStored(), HaveOldIsValid(), HaveOldLogicalToDisplay(), HaveOldLogicalToXSD(), HaveOldNormalize(), HaveOldSet(), HaveOldXSDToLogical()
property HavePosted as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HavePostedDisplayToLogical(), HavePostedGet(), HavePostedGetStored(), HavePostedIsValid(), HavePostedLogicalToDisplay(), HavePostedLogicalToXSD(), HavePostedNormalize(), HavePostedSet(), HavePostedXSDToLogical()
property HaveRightTOC as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ Calculated , Transient ];
Property methods: HaveRightTOCCompute(), HaveRightTOCDisplayToLogical(), HaveRightTOCGet(), HaveRightTOCIsValid(), HaveRightTOCLogicalToDisplay(), HaveRightTOCLogicalToXSD(), HaveRightTOCNormalize(), HaveRightTOCSQLCompute(), HaveRightTOCXSDToLogical()
property InCurrentInventory as %Boolean (XMLPROJECTION = "NONE") [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: InCurrentInventoryDisplayToLogical(), InCurrentInventoryGet(), InCurrentInventoryGetStored(), InCurrentInventoryIsValid(), InCurrentInventoryLogicalToDisplay(), InCurrentInventoryLogicalToXSD(), InCurrentInventoryNormalize(), InCurrentInventorySet(), InCurrentInventoryXSDToLogical()
property LeftTOCHTML as %String);
Property methods: LeftTOCHTMLDisplayToLogical(), LeftTOCHTMLGet(), LeftTOCHTMLGetStored(), LeftTOCHTMLIsValid(), LeftTOCHTMLLogicalToDisplay(), LeftTOCHTMLLogicalToOdbc(), LeftTOCHTMLNormalize(), LeftTOCHTMLSet()
property LiveURL as %String);
Property methods: LiveURLDisplayToLogical(), LiveURLGet(), LiveURLGetStored(), LiveURLIsValid(), LiveURLLogicalToDisplay(), LiveURLLogicalToOdbc(), LiveURLNormalize(), LiveURLSet()
property PageId as %String) [ Required ];
Property methods: PageIdDisplayToLogical(), PageIdGet(), PageIdGetStored(), PageIdIsValid(), PageIdLogicalToDisplay(), PageIdLogicalToOdbc(), PageIdNormalize(), PageIdSet()
property RightTOCJSON as %String);
Property methods: RightTOCJSONDisplayToLogical(), RightTOCJSONGet(), RightTOCJSONGetStored(), RightTOCJSONIsValid(), RightTOCJSONLogicalToDisplay(), RightTOCJSONLogicalToOdbc(), RightTOCJSONNormalize(), RightTOCJSONSet()
property Sequence as %Integer;
Property methods: SequenceDisplayToLogical(), SequenceGet(), SequenceGetStored(), SequenceIsValid(), SequenceLogicalToDisplay(), SequenceNormalize(), SequenceSet(), SequenceXSDToLogical()
property Title as %String);
Property methods: TitleDisplayToLogical(), TitleGet(), TitleGetStored(), TitleIsValid(), TitleLogicalToDisplay(), TitleLogicalToOdbc(), TitleNormalize(), TitleSet()
property TopLevel as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: TopLevelDisplayToLogical(), TopLevelGet(), TopLevelGetStored(), TopLevelIsValid(), TopLevelLogicalToDisplay(), TopLevelLogicalToXSD(), TopLevelNormalize(), TopLevelSet(), TopLevelXSDToLogical()


classmethod BuildInitialPageInventory(verbose As %Integer = 0)
classmethod CheckEm(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckForExtraFiles(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ClearAndLoadFromBackup(verbose As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod CreateHTTPRequest(type As %String = "json") as %Net.HttpRequest
Returns an instance of %Net.HttpRequest that can talk to our Confluence server.
classmethod DownloadURL(request As %Net.HttpRequest, targetURL, targetFilename, verbose, makeBinaryFile As %Boolean = 0) as %Status
classmethod DownloadURLAsBinaryFile(request As %Net.HttpRequest, targetURL, targetFilename, verbose) as %Status
classmethod ExportJSONForHigherLogic(outputfile As %String, code As %String, docsetdirectory As %String, baseURL As %String, verbose As %Integer = 1) as %Status
classmethod GenerateXMLBackup(verbose As %Boolean = 0, overrideFilename="")
classmethod GetCorrectedName(inputname As %String) as %String
classmethod GetDownloadComplete() as %Boolean
classmethod GetFullBASEURL(filename As %String) as %String
Given a file name, returns the live URL for the document (using config info saved in globals)
classmethod GetFullLIVEURL(filename As %String) as %String
Given a file name, returns the live URL for the document (using config info saved in globals)
classmethod GetH2sFromLine(line As %String, ByRef H2s As %String)
classmethod GetHTMLHead(pagetitle As %String = "") as %String
classmethod GetHaveRightTOC(righttoc As %String = "") as %Boolean
classmethod GetHierarchy() as %DynamicArray
classmethod GetInventoryComplete() as %Boolean
classmethod GetInventoryForChildPages(verbose As %Integer = 0, forceRedo As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetInventoryForId(request="", parentid="", parentIsTopLevel As %Boolean = 0, ByRef status, verbose As %Integer = 0) as %Integer
get a batch of (up to) 10; returns number of pages found Return (by ref) status, which is either 1 if successful or 0 if not.
classmethod GetLeftTOC(fullfilename As %String = "") as %String
Given a filename, return a
that contains the left TOC with indication as to which file in the TOC is selected.
classmethod GetLocatorArrayForTrakDocPage(pagetitle As %String = "") as %DynamicArray
Returns an array, meant to be used in constructing the breadcrumbs/locator div.
classmethod GetLocatorObjectForConfluencePages(booktitle As %String = "") as %DynamicObject
classmethod GetNeedToCheckCount()
classmethod GetNewAfterCheckComplete() as %Boolean
classmethod GetNewComplete() as %Boolean
classmethod GetPageByID(ConfluencePageId As %String = "33982330", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetPageCount()
classmethod GetPages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetPagesViaConfluenceAPI(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetRightTOCHTML(array As %DynamicArray) as %String
classmethod GetTOC(filename As %String = "", skipchildren As %Integer = 0) as %String
Given a filename, return a
that contains the TOC with indication as to which node/nodes in the TOC are selected.
classmethod HaveBackup() as %Boolean
classmethod InventoryExists() as %Boolean
classmethod MakeNewFiles(verbose As %Boolean = 0, checkForMissing As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod MakePlainFiles(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod PostToHigherLogic(verbose As %Integer = 0, test As %Boolean = 0)
Post URLs for files which we have inventoried and which have not yet posted to Higher Logic for search. Set the test argument to 1 for some additional verbosity, the option to print API request info in detail, and to set the Post request's test argument to 1 as well (see documentation for the method Post in %Net.HttpResponse).
classmethod PromptForCredentials()
classmethod PromptForHigherLogicContactKey()
classmethod PromptForHigherLogicKey()
classmethod PromptForHigherLogicSS()
classmethod Regenerate(ConfigID, DocSetId, verbose)
classmethod RegenerateMany(verbose As %Boolean = 1, which As %Integer = 1)
classmethod ResetGlobals()
classmethod ResetTables()


index (MainIDX on PageId) [IdKey, PrimaryKey, Type = key, Unique];
Index methods: MainIDXCheck(), MainIDXDelete(), MainIDXExists(), MainIDXOpen(), MainIDXSQLCheckUnique(), MainIDXSQLExists(), MainIDXSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), MainIDXSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (DBMTables.Confluence.Pages)

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