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persistent class DBMTables.DBContents extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: DBMTables.DBContents

This class stores one record for each SET, book, or article in this database. For general comments, see DBMTables.Utils.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property DocBookId as %String (MAXLEN = 200) [ Required ];
id of or etc. Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: DocBookIdDisplayToLogical(), DocBookIdGet(), DocBookIdGetStored(), DocBookIdIsValid(), DocBookIdLogicalToDisplay(), DocBookIdLogicalToOdbc(), DocBookIdNormalize(), DocBookIdSet()
property LoadType as %String;
Can be "set","book","article", or "all"
Property methods: LoadTypeDisplayToLogical(), LoadTypeGet(), LoadTypeGetStored(), LoadTypeIsValid(), LoadTypeLogicalToDisplay(), LoadTypeLogicalToOdbc(), LoadTypeNormalize(), LoadTypeSet()
property Origin as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Tells us which file provided the contents for this item.
Property methods: OriginDisplayToLogical(), OriginGet(), OriginGetStored(), OriginIsValid(), OriginLogicalToDisplay(), OriginLogicalToOdbc(), OriginNormalize(), OriginSet()
property ParentRemap as %String;
This applies only to books
Property methods: ParentRemapDisplayToLogical(), ParentRemapGet(), ParentRemapGetStored(), ParentRemapIsValid(), ParentRemapLogicalToDisplay(), ParentRemapLogicalToOdbc(), ParentRemapNormalize(), ParentRemapSet()
property ParentSET as %String;
This applies only to books
Property methods: ParentSETDisplayToLogical(), ParentSETGet(), ParentSETGetStored(), ParentSETIsValid(), ParentSETLogicalToDisplay(), ParentSETLogicalToOdbc(), ParentSETNormalize(), ParentSETSet()
property RawSubtitle as %String (MAXLEN = 5000);
Raw Subtitle of this DocBook id, if any
Property methods: RawSubtitleDisplayToLogical(), RawSubtitleGet(), RawSubtitleGetStored(), RawSubtitleIsValid(), RawSubtitleLogicalToDisplay(), RawSubtitleLogicalToOdbc(), RawSubtitleNormalize(), RawSubtitleSet()
property RawTitle as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Raw Title of this DocBook id.
Property methods: RawTitleDisplayToLogical(), RawTitleGet(), RawTitleGetStored(), RawTitleIsValid(), RawTitleLogicalToDisplay(), RawTitleLogicalToOdbc(), RawTitleNormalize(), RawTitleSet()
property Remap as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
remap value of this DocBook id, if any.
Property methods: RemapDisplayToLogical(), RemapGet(), RemapGetStored(), RemapIsValid(), RemapLogicalToDisplay(), RemapLogicalToOdbc(), RemapNormalize(), RemapSet()
property Subtitle as %String (MAXLEN = 5000);
Subtitle of this DocBook id, if any
Property methods: SubtitleDisplayToLogical(), SubtitleGet(), SubtitleGetStored(), SubtitleIsValid(), SubtitleLogicalToDisplay(), SubtitleLogicalToOdbc(), SubtitleNormalize(), SubtitleSet()
property Title as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Title of this DocBook id.
Property methods: TitleDisplayToLogical(), TitleGet(), TitleGetStored(), TitleIsValid(), TitleLogicalToDisplay(), TitleLogicalToOdbc(), TitleNormalize(), TitleSet()
property UPPERID as %String (MAXLEN = 200) [ Calculated , Transient ];
Property methods: UPPERIDCompute(), UPPERIDDisplayToLogical(), UPPERIDGet(), UPPERIDIsValid(), UPPERIDLogicalToDisplay(), UPPERIDLogicalToOdbc(), UPPERIDNormalize(), UPPERIDSQLCompute()
property WhenLoaded as %TimeStamp;
Property methods: WhenLoadedDisplayToLogical(), WhenLoadedGet(), WhenLoadedGetStored(), WhenLoadedIsValid(), WhenLoadedLogicalToDisplay(), WhenLoadedNormalize(), WhenLoadedOdbcToLogical(), WhenLoadedSet()
property tagArch as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
arch attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagArchDisplayToLogical(), tagArchGet(), tagArchGetStored(), tagArchIsValid(), tagArchLogicalToDisplay(), tagArchLogicalToOdbc(), tagArchNormalize(), tagArchSet()
property tagCondition as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
condition attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagConditionDisplayToLogical(), tagConditionGet(), tagConditionGetStored(), tagConditionIsValid(), tagConditionLogicalToDisplay(), tagConditionLogicalToOdbc(), tagConditionNormalize(), tagConditionSet()
property tagConformance as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
conformance attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagConformanceDisplayToLogical(), tagConformanceGet(), tagConformanceGetStored(), tagConformanceIsValid(), tagConformanceLogicalToDisplay(), tagConformanceLogicalToOdbc(), tagConformanceNormalize(), tagConformanceSet()
property tagRevision as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
revision attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagRevisionDisplayToLogical(), tagRevisionGet(), tagRevisionGetStored(), tagRevisionIsValid(), tagRevisionLogicalToDisplay(), tagRevisionLogicalToOdbc(), tagRevisionNormalize(), tagRevisionSet()
property tagRole as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
role attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagRoleDisplayToLogical(), tagRoleGet(), tagRoleGetStored(), tagRoleIsValid(), tagRoleLogicalToDisplay(), tagRoleLogicalToOdbc(), tagRoleNormalize(), tagRoleSet()
property tagStatus as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
status attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagStatusDisplayToLogical(), tagStatusGet(), tagStatusGetStored(), tagStatusIsValid(), tagStatusLogicalToDisplay(), tagStatusLogicalToOdbc(), tagStatusNormalize(), tagStatusSet()
property tagXreflabel as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
xreflabel attribute of this DocBook id, if any, from tagattrs
Property methods: tagXreflabelDisplayToLogical(), tagXreflabelGet(), tagXreflabelGetStored(), tagXreflabelIsValid(), tagXreflabelLogicalToDisplay(), tagXreflabelLogicalToOdbc(), tagXreflabelNormalize(), tagXreflabelSet()


classmethod ExportHTML(verbose As %Integer = 0, baseURL As %String = "")
classmethod ExportTitles(verbose As %Integer = 0, baseURL As %String = "")
Generates a tab-separated file. 1st column=DocBookID of a book or article, 2nd column=title of item, 3rd column=subtitle.

If baseURL is not null, the export includes an additional column formed as follows: baseURL _ ?KEY= _ DocBookID

So baseURL should end with DocBook.UI.Page.cls

classmethod ExportTitles2(verbose As %Integer = 0, baseURL As %String = "")
classmethod Rebuild(verbose As %Integer = 0) as %Status
For this method, verbose is 0, 1, or 2.
classmethod Remove(DocBookId As %String = "", verbose As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Remove a record in this cache. Use this after removing a set, book, or article. Special case: DocBookId="all" (case-insensitive) removes everything.
classmethod UpdateAfterLoadingFile(DocBookId As %String = "", origin As %String = "", verbose As %Integer = 0, isExtra As %Boolean = "") as %Status
Update a record in this cache. Use this after loading a set, book, or article file.


index (DocBookIdIdx on DocBookId) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: DocBookIdIdxCheck(), DocBookIdIdxDelete(), DocBookIdIdxExists(), DocBookIdIdxOpen(), DocBookIdIdxSQLCheckUnique(), DocBookIdIdxSQLExists(), DocBookIdIdxSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), DocBookIdIdxSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (LoadTypeIdx on LoadType);
Index methods: LoadTypeIdxExists()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (DBMTables.DBContents)

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