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persistent class DBMTables.TOC extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: DBMTables.TOC

This class stores one record for each TOC entry in the database. For general comments, see DBMTables.Utils.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property DocBookId as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
DocBookId of the TOC entry
Property methods: DocBookIdDisplayToLogical(), DocBookIdGet(), DocBookIdGetStored(), DocBookIdIsValid(), DocBookIdLogicalToDisplay(), DocBookIdLogicalToOdbc(), DocBookIdNormalize(), DocBookIdSet()
property Document as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
DocBookId of parent book or article.
Property methods: DocumentDisplayToLogical(), DocumentGet(), DocumentGetStored(), DocumentIsValid(), DocumentLogicalToDisplay(), DocumentLogicalToOdbc(), DocumentNormalize(), DocumentSet()
property IdIsGenerated as %Boolean;
true if this id appears to be a generated one
Property methods: IdIsGeneratedDisplayToLogical(), IdIsGeneratedGet(), IdIsGeneratedGetStored(), IdIsGeneratedIsValid(), IdIsGeneratedLogicalToDisplay(), IdIsGeneratedNormalize(), IdIsGeneratedSet()
property IdIsOK as %Boolean;
Property methods: IdIsOKDisplayToLogical(), IdIsOKGet(), IdIsOKGetStored(), IdIsOKIsValid(), IdIsOKLogicalToDisplay(), IdIsOKNormalize(), IdIsOKSet()
Property methods: NavParentsDisplayToLogical(), NavParentsGet(), NavParentsGetStored(), NavParentsIsValid(), NavParentsLogicalToDisplay(), NavParentsLogicalToOdbc(), NavParentsNormalize(), NavParentsSet()
property Parent as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
DocBookId of the parent heading.
Property methods: ParentDisplayToLogical(), ParentGet(), ParentGetStored(), ParentIsValid(), ParentLogicalToDisplay(), ParentLogicalToOdbc(), ParentNormalize(), ParentSet()
property Rank as %Numeric;
Property methods: RankDisplayToLogical(), RankGet(), RankGetStored(), RankIsValid(), RankLogicalToDisplay(), RankNormalize(), RankSet()
property RankInherited as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Property methods: RankInheritedCompute(), RankInheritedDisplayToLogical(), RankInheritedGet(), RankInheritedIsValid(), RankInheritedLogicalToDisplay(), RankInheritedNormalize(), RankInheritedSQLCompute(), RankInheritedSet(), RankInheritedSetT()
property ShortTitle (MAXLEN = 200);
Property methods: ShortTitleDisplayToLogical(), ShortTitleGet(), ShortTitleGetStored(), ShortTitleIsValid(), ShortTitleLogicalToDisplay(), ShortTitleLogicalToOdbc(), ShortTitleNormalize(), ShortTitleSet()
property SourceFile as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: SourceFileDisplayToLogical(), SourceFileGet(), SourceFileGetStored(), SourceFileIsValid(), SourceFileLogicalToDisplay(), SourceFileLogicalToOdbc(), SourceFileNormalize(), SourceFileSet()
property SubtitleNice as %String (MAXLEN = 5000);
Property methods: SubtitleNiceDisplayToLogical(), SubtitleNiceGet(), SubtitleNiceGetStored(), SubtitleNiceIsValid(), SubtitleNiceLogicalToDisplay(), SubtitleNiceLogicalToOdbc(), SubtitleNiceNormalize(), SubtitleNiceSet()
property TagsInherited as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Property methods: TagsInheritedCompute(), TagsInheritedDisplayToLogical(), TagsInheritedGet(), TagsInheritedIsValid(), TagsInheritedLogicalToDisplay(), TagsInheritedNormalize(), TagsInheritedSQLCompute(), TagsInheritedSet(), TagsInheritedSetT()
property Title as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
TOC entry - Converted from HTML and padded with leading spaces
Property methods: TitleDisplayToLogical(), TitleGet(), TitleGetStored(), TitleIsValid(), TitleLogicalToDisplay(), TitleLogicalToOdbc(), TitleNormalize(), TitleSet()
property TitleNice as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Converted from HTML
Property methods: TitleNiceDisplayToLogical(), TitleNiceGet(), TitleNiceGetStored(), TitleNiceIsValid(), TitleNiceLogicalToDisplay(), TitleNiceLogicalToOdbc(), TitleNiceNormalize(), TitleNiceSet()
property TitleRaw as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Property methods: TitleRawDisplayToLogical(), TitleRawGet(), TitleRawGetStored(), TitleRawIsValid(), TitleRawLogicalToDisplay(), TitleRawLogicalToOdbc(), TitleRawNormalize(), TitleRawSet()
property UnitLevel as %Integer;
Numeric level of child unit (0, 1, 2, etc.)
Property methods: UnitLevelDisplayToLogical(), UnitLevelGet(), UnitLevelGetStored(), UnitLevelIsValid(), UnitLevelLogicalToDisplay(), UnitLevelNormalize(), UnitLevelSet()
property UnitNumbering as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Hierarchical numbering of child unit
Property methods: UnitNumberingDisplayToLogical(), UnitNumberingGet(), UnitNumberingGetStored(), UnitNumberingIsValid(), UnitNumberingLogicalToDisplay(), UnitNumberingLogicalToOdbc(), UnitNumberingNormalize(), UnitNumberingSet()
property UnitType as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Type of child unit (chapter, sect1, etc.
Property methods: UnitTypeDisplayToLogical(), UnitTypeGet(), UnitTypeGetStored(), UnitTypeIsValid(), UnitTypeLogicalToDisplay(), UnitTypeLogicalToOdbc(), UnitTypeNormalize(), UnitTypeSet()
property X as %Boolean [ Transient ];
Property methods: XCompute(), XDisplayToLogical(), XGet(), XIsValid(), XLogicalToDisplay(), XNormalize(), XSQLCompute(), XSet(), XSetT()
property extraTags as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Any extra tags associated with this block. We will use this information to restrict search by tags
Property methods: extraTagsDisplayToLogical(), extraTagsGet(), extraTagsGetStored(), extraTagsIsValid(), extraTagsLogicalToDisplay(), extraTagsLogicalToOdbc(), extraTagsNormalize(), extraTagsSet()
property product as %String;
The product this block belongs to, based on the arch attribute of the containing book or article. We will use this information to restrict search by product.
Property methods: productDisplayToLogical(), productGet(), productGetStored(), productIsValid(), productLogicalToDisplay(), productLogicalToOdbc(), productNormalize(), productSet()


classmethod ExportNavPageParents(verbose As %Boolean = 1, initialize As %Boolean = 0)
Exports records from this table to a JSON file, for use in constructing the table DBMTables.TitleCompare
classmethod ExportToCSV(verbose As %Boolean = 0, initialize As %Boolean = 0) as %String
Exports records from this table to a CSV file. Returns the name of the exported file.
classmethod ExportToJSON(verbose As %Boolean = 1, initialize As %Boolean = 0)
Exports records from this table to a JSON file, for use in constructing the table DBMTables.TitleCompare
classmethod GenerateXMLReport(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod Rebuild(verbose As %Integer = 0, processAll As %Boolean = 0)
verbose can be 0, 1, 2, or 3
classmethod ShowDocument(DocBookId As %String, verbose As %Integer = 1)
Given an book or article ID, process it, and optionally show its full table of contents.


index ($TOC on ) [Extent, Type = bitmap];
index (DocBookIdIdx on DocBookId);
Index methods: DocBookIdIdxExists()
index (DocumentIdx on Document);
Index methods: DocumentIdxExists()
index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (IdIsGeneratedIdx on IdIsGenerated);
Index methods: IdIsGeneratedIdxExists()
index (ParentIdx on Parent);
Index methods: ParentIdxExists()
index (RankIdx on Rank) [Type = bitmap];
index (TitleIdx on Title);
Index methods: TitleIdxExists()
index (UnitLevelIdx on UnitLevel);
Index methods: UnitLevelIdxExists()
index (UnitTypeIdx on UnitType);
Index methods: UnitTypeIdxExists()
index (extraTagsIdx on extraTags);
Index methods: extraTagsIdxExists()
index (productIdx on product);
Index methods: productIdxExists()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (DBMTables.TOC)

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