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persistent class DBMTables.UIPages extends %Library.Persistent

SQL Table Name: DBMTables.UIPages

Stores one record for each page in the SMP and each wizard page where we have any way of creating a help link. For general comments, see DBMTables.Utils.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property AnchorGlobalEntry as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: AnchorGlobalEntryDisplayToLogical(), AnchorGlobalEntryGet(), AnchorGlobalEntryGetStored(), AnchorGlobalEntryIsValid(), AnchorGlobalEntryLogicalToDisplay(), AnchorGlobalEntryLogicalToOdbc(), AnchorGlobalEntryNormalize(), AnchorGlobalEntrySet()
property CSPURL as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: CSPURLDisplayToLogical(), CSPURLGet(), CSPURLGetStored(), CSPURLIsValid(), CSPURLLogicalToDisplay(), CSPURLLogicalToOdbc(), CSPURLNormalize(), CSPURLSet()
property ComputedHelpAddress as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter. This contains the computed HelpAddress for the page.
Property methods: ComputedHelpAddressDisplayToLogical(), ComputedHelpAddressGet(), ComputedHelpAddressGetStored(), ComputedHelpAddressIsValid(), ComputedHelpAddressLogicalToDisplay(), ComputedHelpAddressLogicalToOdbc(), ComputedHelpAddressNormalize(), ComputedHelpAddressSet()
property DOCBOOKID as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
DOCBOOKID parameter of page class (if set)
Property methods: DOCBOOKIDDisplayToLogical(), DOCBOOKIDGet(), DOCBOOKIDGetStored(), DOCBOOKIDIsValid(), DOCBOOKIDLogicalToDisplay(), DOCBOOKIDLogicalToOdbc(), DOCBOOKIDNormalize(), DOCBOOKIDSet()
property Detail as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Detail name on page, if applicable
Property methods: DetailDisplayToLogical(), DetailGet(), DetailGetStored(), DetailIsValid(), DetailLogicalToDisplay(), DetailLogicalToOdbc(), DetailNormalize(), DetailSet()
property ExpectedDocBookId as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Property methods: ExpectedDocBookIdDisplayToLogical(), ExpectedDocBookIdGet(), ExpectedDocBookIdGetStored(), ExpectedDocBookIdIsValid(), ExpectedDocBookIdLogicalToDisplay(), ExpectedDocBookIdLogicalToOdbc(), ExpectedDocBookIdNormalize(), ExpectedDocBookIdSet()
property HELPADDRESS as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter. Will be null in releases before 15.1.
Property methods: HELPADDRESSDisplayToLogical(), HELPADDRESSGet(), HELPADDRESSGetStored(), HELPADDRESSIsValid(), HELPADDRESSLogicalToDisplay(), HELPADDRESSLogicalToOdbc(), HELPADDRESSNormalize(), HELPADDRESSSet()
property HELPID as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
HELPID parameter of page class (if set)
Property methods: HELPIDDisplayToLogical(), HELPIDGet(), HELPIDGetStored(), HELPIDIsValid(), HELPIDLogicalToDisplay(), HELPIDLogicalToOdbc(), HELPIDNormalize(), HELPIDSet()
property HSHELPKEY as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
HSHELPKEY parameter of page class (if set)
Property methods: HSHELPKEYDisplayToLogical(), HSHELPKEYGet(), HSHELPKEYGetStored(), HSHELPKEYIsValid(), HSHELPKEYLogicalToDisplay(), HSHELPKEYLogicalToOdbc(), HSHELPKEYNormalize(), HSHELPKEYSet()
property HelpAttempted as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: HelpAttemptedDisplayToLogical(), HelpAttemptedGet(), HelpAttemptedGetStored(), HelpAttemptedIsValid(), HelpAttemptedLogicalToDisplay(), HelpAttemptedNormalize(), HelpAttemptedSet()
property HelpBroken as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: HelpBrokenCompute(), HelpBrokenDisplayToLogical(), HelpBrokenGet(), HelpBrokenGetStored(), HelpBrokenIsValid(), HelpBrokenLogicalToDisplay(), HelpBrokenNormalize(), HelpBrokenSQLCompute(), HelpBrokenSet(), HelpBrokenSetT()
property HelpFound as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: HelpFoundDisplayToLogical(), HelpFoundGet(), HelpFoundGetStored(), HelpFoundIsValid(), HelpFoundLogicalToDisplay(), HelpFoundNormalize(), HelpFoundSet()
property PAGENAME as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter. this corresponds to the PAGENAME or TEMPLATETITLE parameter of the page class.
Property methods: PAGENAMEDisplayToLogical(), PAGENAMEGet(), PAGENAMEGetStored(), PAGENAMEIsValid(), PAGENAMELogicalToDisplay(), PAGENAMELogicalToOdbc(), PAGENAMENormalize(), PAGENAMESet()
property PageClass as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: PageClassDisplayToLogical(), PageClassGet(), PageClassGetStored(), PageClassIsValid(), PageClassLogicalToDisplay(), PageClassLogicalToOdbc(), PageClassNormalize(), PageClassSet()
property PageType as %Integer;
Displayed in table; used as filter.
Property methods: PageTypeDisplayToLogical(), PageTypeGet(), PageTypeGetStored(), PageTypeIsValid(), PageTypeLogicalToDisplay(), PageTypeNormalize(), PageTypeSet()
property SourceFile as %String (MAXLEN = 200);
file in which the anchor was found
Property methods: SourceFileDisplayToLogical(), SourceFileGet(), SourceFileGetStored(), SourceFileIsValid(), SourceFileLogicalToDisplay(), SourceFileLogicalToOdbc(), SourceFileNormalize(), SourceFileSet()


classmethod AddStudioPage(pagename, docbookid, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckType1Pages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckType2Pages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckType3Pages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckType4Pages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckType5Pages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CheckType6Pages(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetCPFItems(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetPropertiesArray(classname, ByRef properties) as %Status
classmethod ProcessCPFProperties(classname, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessType1(tClass As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessType2(tClass As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessType3(ByRef classnameArray, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessType4(tClass As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessType5(ByRef classnameArray, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessType6(info As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
info is classname_"^"_target
classmethod Rebuild(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod TEMPORARYGetBookId(pDocId) as %String
copied from %CSP.UI.HelpChecker in latest; remove when we no longer need it
classmethod TEMPORARYGetDocAnchor(pKey, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %String
copied from %CSP.UI.HelpChecker in latest; remove when we no longer need it


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (DBMTables.UIPages)

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