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class DataMining.PMML.Iris.SepalLengthRegression extends %DeepSee.PMML.Model.GeneralRegression

This class was generated by : DataMining.PMML.Iris.CLS

Method Inventory


parameter DATACLASS = DataMining.PMML.Iris.Data;
Inherited description: The name of the root %DeepSee.PMML.Data class for this model's PMML definition
parameter DEFINITIONCLASS = DataMining.PMML.Iris;
Inherited description: The name of the %DeepSee.PMML.Definition class defining this PMML model.
parameter INPUTCLASS = DataMining.PMML.Iris.SepalLengthRegressionInput;
Inherited description: The name of the %DeepSee.PMML.ModelInput class for this model
parameter MODELNAME = SepalLength Regression;
Inherited description: The name of this model as defined in the PMML definition
parameter OUTPUTCLASS = DataMining.PMML.Iris.SepalLengthRegressionOutput;
Inherited description: The name of the %DeepSee.PMML.ModelOutput class for this model
parameter PREDICTEDFIELD = SepalLength;
Inherited description: The field in DATACLASS predicted by this model.


classmethod %ExecuteSQL(pPetalLength As %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber, pPetalWidth As %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber, pSepalWidth As %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber, pSpecies As %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.String) as %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber [ SQLProc = SepalLengthRegression ]
Projected as the stored procedure: SepalLengthRegression

SQL procedure to execute the predictive model named 'SepalLength Regression' defined in DataMining.PMML

This method has the following input parameters:

  1. pPetalLength (%DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber) for DataField 'PetalLength'
  2. pPetalWidth (%DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber) for DataField 'PetalWidth'
  3. pSepalWidth (%DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber) for DataField 'SepalWidth'
  4. pSpecies (%DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.String) for DataField 'Species'
classmethod %GetPredictedFieldInfo(Output pFieldName As %String, Output pDataType As %String, Output pOpType As %String) as %Status
Inherited description: Returns basic info about the data field predicted by this model.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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