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serial class DataMining.PMML.Iris.SepalLengthRegressionInput extends %DeepSee.PMML.ModelInput

This class was generated by : DataMining.PMML.Iris.CLS

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DATACLASS = DataMining.PMML.Iris.Data;
Inherited description: The name of the root %DeepSee.PMML.Data class for this PMML definition
parameter MODELCLASS = DataMining.PMML.Iris.SepalLengthRegression;
Inherited description: The name of the %DeepSee.PMML.Model.AbstractModel for this PMML model
parameter MODELNAME = SepalLength Regression;
Inherited description: The name of this model as defined in the PMML definition


property PetalLength as %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber;
Property for field: "PetalLength" usageType="active" optype=""
Property methods: PetalLengthDisplayToLogical(), PetalLengthGet(), PetalLengthIsValid(), PetalLengthLogicalToDisplay(), PetalLengthNormalize(), PetalLengthOdbcToLogical()
property PetalWidth as %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber;
Property for field: "PetalWidth" usageType="active" optype=""
Property methods: PetalWidthDisplayToLogical(), PetalWidthGet(), PetalWidthIsValid(), PetalWidthLogicalToDisplay(), PetalWidthNormalize(), PetalWidthOdbcToLogical()
property SepalWidth as %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber;
Property for field: "SepalWidth" usageType="active" optype=""
Property methods: SepalWidthDisplayToLogical(), SepalWidthGet(), SepalWidthIsValid(), SepalWidthLogicalToDisplay(), SepalWidthNormalize(), SepalWidthOdbcToLogical()
property Species as %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.String;
Property for field: "Species" usageType="active" optype=""
Property methods: SpeciesDisplayToLogical(), SpeciesGet(), SpeciesIsValid(), SpeciesLogicalToDisplay(), SpeciesLogicalToOdbc(), SpeciesNormalize()


classmethod %GetFields(Output pArray) as %Status
Inherited description: Returns the usage types for all fields in this Mining Model pArray(fieldName) = $lb(usageType, displayName)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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