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class DataMining.PMML.Iris.SepalLengthRegressionOutput extends %DeepSee.PMML.ModelOutput

This class was generated by : DataMining.PMML.Iris.CLS

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property SepalLength as %DeepSee.PMML.Datatype.RealNumber;
targetField = SepalLength feature = predictedValue
Property methods: SepalLengthDisplayToLogical(), SepalLengthGet(), SepalLengthIsValid(), SepalLengthLogicalToDisplay(), SepalLengthNormalize(), SepalLengthOdbcToLogical(), SepalLengthSet()


classmethod %GetDisplayValue(pField As %String, pValue) as %String
classmethod %GetFields(Output pFields) as %Status
Inherited description: pArray(fieldName) = $lb(feature, targetFieldName, displayName)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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