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persistent class DeepSee.Model.RelCubes.RPatients.DxAge extends %DeepSee.DimensionTable

SQL Table Name: DeepSee_Model_RelCubes_RPatients.DxAge

Dimension table for cube 'RelatedCubes/Patients' THIS IS A GENERATED CLASS, DO NOT EDIT.
Generated by %DeepSee.Generator:%CreateStarTable.

This class was generated by : DeepSee.Model.RelCubes.RPatients.CLS

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter CUBENAME = RelatedCubes/Patients;
Inherited description: Name of the cube that created this dimension table.
parameter KEYPROPERTY = DxAge;


property DxAge as %String (MAXLEN = 2000) [ Required ];
Dimension property: DxAge
Source: Age
Property methods: DxAgeDisplayToLogical(), DxAgeGet(), DxAgeGetStored(), DxAgeLogicalToDisplay(), DxAgeLogicalToOdbc(), DxAgeNormalize(), DxAgeSet()
property DxAgeBucket as DeepSee.Model.RelCubes.RPatients.DxAgeBucket [ Required ];
Dimension property: DxAgeBucket
Source: ##class(DeepSee.Model.PatientsCube).GetAgeBucket(%source.Age)
Property methods: DxAgeBucketGet(), DxAgeBucketGetObject(), DxAgeBucketGetObjectId(), DxAgeBucketGetStored(), DxAgeBucketGetSwizzled(), DxAgeBucketIsValid(), DxAgeBucketNewObject(), DxAgeBucketSet(), DxAgeBucketSetObject(), DxAgeBucketSetObjectId(), DxAgeBucketUnSwizzle()
property PxAge as %String (MAXLEN = 2000);
Dimension property: PxAge
Source: $CASE($LENGTH(%source.Age),2:%source.Age,:"0"_%source.Age)
Property methods: PxAgeDisplayToLogical(), PxAgeGet(), PxAgeGetStored(), PxAgeIsValid(), PxAgeLogicalToDisplay(), PxAgeLogicalToOdbc(), PxAgeNormalize(), PxAgeSet()


classmethod %Count() as %Integer
Return the total number of members within this dimension.
Generated by %DeepSee.Generator:%CreateStarTable.
classmethod %GetDimensionProperty(pProp As %String, pID As %String, Output pFormat As %String, Output pType As %String) as %String
Fetch the value of a given dimension property.
Generated by %DeepSee.Generator:%CreateStarTable.
classmethod %GetMemberSpec(pMemberId As %String, pCubeName As %String, pDimNo As %Integer, pHierNo As %Integer, pLevelNo As %Integer) as %String
Return the specification string for the given member.
Generated by %DeepSee.Generator:%CreateStarTable.
classmethod DxAgeIsValid(pArg As %String) as %Status
Validate the KEY value for this dimension.
Generated by %DeepSee.Generator:%CreateStarTable.


index (IDKEY on ) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKEYCheck(), IDKEYDelete(), IDKEYExists(), IDKEYOpen(), IDKEYSQLCheckUnique(), IDKEYSQLExists(), IDKEYSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKEYSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()
index (Idx2 on PxAge);
Index methods: Idx2Exists()
index (Primary on DxAgeBucket,DxAge) [Unique];
Index methods: PrimaryCheck(), PrimaryCheckUnique(), PrimaryDelete(), PrimaryExists(), PrimaryOpen(), PrimarySQLCheckUnique(), PrimarySQLExists(), PrimarySQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), PrimarySQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (DeepSee.Model.RelCubes.RPatients.DxAge)

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