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class Doc.Error extends %CSP.ErrorLog

Custom CSP error page for DOCBOOK

Method Inventory


parameter PAGENOTFOUNDERRORPAGE = /404.html;
Inherited description: If the user with a new session goes to a page that is not present then in order to display the standard error page to report this error CSP would take out a license. To avoid this license use if the error is because the application is not found, or the page is not found, or the class does not exist, or the page is private and the token is not correct then the default behavior is to report a 'HTTP/1.1 404 Page not found' HTTP response. This does not require a license and it is standard behavior if you goto a page that is not present on a normal web server. You may change this by setting the class parameter PAGENOTFOUNDERRORPAGE on the error page for this CSP application (or the default error page in the case of the application not found error). The values are:
  • "" - Return the 404 Page not found error (this is the default)
  • 1 - Will obtain a license and display the standard error page.
  • Path to a static HTML page - Will display this static page, for example '/csp/samples/static.html' will use the stream server to serve up this static file. This does not require a license, but it will only work with static content.


classmethod GetErrorPageHTML(responseStatus As %String = "") as %String
Return the HTML for the custom error page as a string.
classmethod OnPage() as %Status
Log the current error, then display the error page HTML.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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