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class Doc.Feedback extends %CSP.Page

Method Inventory


classmethod GetFeedbackPageHTML() as %String
classmethod GetHeadInfo(ByRef title) as DocAPI.v1.HeadInfo
classmethod ReCAPTCHASuccessful(secret As %String, userResponse As %String) as %Boolean
Check whether a ReCAPTCHA attempt was successful (returning a boolean 1 for success, 0 for failure) given the site-specific secret key and the response from the client
classmethod VerifyReCAPTCHA(secret As %String, userResponse As %String) as %DynamicObject
Send POST request to with the following parameters:
  • secret: Required. The shared key between your site and reCAPTCHA.
  • response: Required. The user response token provided by the reCAPTCHA client-side integration on your site.
One more possible parameter, which this method does not currently use in the request, is
  • remoteip: Optional. The user's IP address.
Returns a dynamic object representing the API response, which should include the following properties:
  • success: true or false
  • challenge_ts: timestamp of the challenge load
  • hostname: hostname of site where the captcha was solved
  • error-codes: array of error codes (if any)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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