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datatype class DocBook.IndexedTextE extends %Text.English


This is a specialized datatype for properties that are word-search indexed.

Method Inventory


FILTERNOISEWORDS controls whether common-word filtering is enabled. Specifying a list of noise words can greatly reduce the size of a text index and the associated index update time; however, to perform text search it is necessary to also remove noise words from the search pattern, and this can produce some counter-intuitive results. See example below.

Setting up noise word filtering is a two-step process: First enable noise word filtering by setting FILTERNOISEWORDS=1. Second, populate the noise word dictionary by calling the ExcludeCommonTerms() with the desired number of noise words to populate the corresponding DICTIONARY. ExcludeCommonTerms purges the previous set of noise words, so it may be called any number of times, but it is necessary to rebuild all text indexes on the corresponding properties whenever the list of noise words is changed.

Note: The SQL predicate:

SELECT myDocument FROM table t WHERE myDocument %CONTAINS ('to be or not to be')
will not find any qualifying rows if 'to, be, or, not' are all noise words; however, if any of these terms are not noise words, then only the non-noise words will participate in the matching process.
parameter MINWORDLEN = 1;
MINWORDLEN specifies the minimum length word that will be retained excluding ngram words and post-stemmed words. MINWORDLEN provides a simple means of excluding terms based on their length, since it is usually the case that short words such as 'a', 'to', 'an', etc., are connectives that contain little information content. The length refers to the number of characters in the original document. Note that if stemming or thesaurus translation is enabled, then the length of the term in a text index may have fewer than MINWORDLEN characters.

Note: MINWORDLEN should typically be set to 3 or less when STEMMING=1, since otherwise a word stem could be classified as a noise word even though alternate forms of the word would not be classified as a noise word. For example, with MINWORDLEN=5 "jump" would be discarded as a noise word, whereas "jumps" would not.

parameter NGRAMLEN = 1;
NGRAMLEN is the maximum number of words that will be regarded as a single search term. When NGRAMLEN=2, two-word combinations will be added to any index, in addition to single words. Consecutive words exclude noise words.
parameter SEPARATEWORDS = 0;
Inherited description: Languages such as Japanese require the raw document text to be parsed and separated into words before being processed by the class methods. If SEPARATEWORDS=1 then call the SeparateWords() class method.
parameter WORDCHARS = $%;
WORDCHARS specifies the characters other than alphabetic that may appear in a word. For example, to regard hyphenated words as terms, include "-" in WORDCHARS. Note that characters that are not numbers or words are ignored for the purpose of comparison with the %CONTAINS operator, therefore the search pattern "off-hand" will match "off hand" if WORDCHARS="", but not if WORDCHARS="-"; conversely, "off-hand" will match "offhand" if WORDCHARS="-", but not if WORDCHARS="".


classmethod SeparateWords(rawText As %String) as %String
Normally, the SeparateWords method is not called for English text. The parameter, SEPARATEWORDS, has been set so that DocBook-specific process can be done prior to building the value array.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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