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class DocBook.UI.HomePageZen extends

A Zen-based Home page for DocBook.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter CSSINCLUDES;
Inherited description: Comma-separated list of additional CSS include files for the page. If this page is using CSS3 then the CSS3INCLUDES parameter is used (if defined).
parameter DOMAIN = DOCBOOK;
Domain used for localization.
parameter PAGENAME;
Displayed name of this page.
parameter PAGETITLE;
Title of this page


property URLParms as %String [ Calculated ];
URLParms made up of PARM=value;PARM=value; etc
Property methods: URLParmsDisplayToLogical(), URLParmsIsValid(), URLParmsLogicalToDisplay(), URLParmsLogicalToOdbc(), URLParmsNormalize()


method %OnDrawHTMLMeta() as %Status
Inherited description: This callback is called at the start of the HTML HEAD section of the page (just after the title).
It allows a page to write out meta tags, if desired. The default implementation writes out an IE-specific meta tag to ensure that IE 9 and 10 don't fall back into Compatibility Mode when we are returning an HTML5 page (i.e. cssLevel is set to 3).
classmethod %OnPreHTTP() as %Boolean
Zen page notification of an HTTP request. This method can be overwritten by subclasses.
This is called before the standard Zen pre-HTTP processing occurs.
classmethod Analyze()
Used only in "old" version. This is a test method; This displays the list of known books organized by group and value.
clientmethod filterChange(list) [ Language = javascript ]
Used only for DocBook.UI.buttonViewX. User change to filter buttons.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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