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persistent class EnsLib.DICOM.Process extends EnsLib.PrivateSession.Process

SQL Table Name: EnsLib_DICOM.Process

This is the superclass for user-define DICOM business processes

Method Inventory


method AbortAssociation(pDuplexConfigName As %String, pInput As EnsLib.DICOM.Command.Abort) as %Status
This method can be called to ABORT an association, typically in response to an ABORT received from an external device
method EstablishAssociation(pDuplexConfigName As %String) as %Status
method OnAssociationAborted(pSourceConfigName As %String, pInput As EnsLib.DICOM.Notify.Aborted) as %Status
This callback is called by the framework when an association is aborted
method OnAssociationErrored(pSourceConfigName As %String, pInput As EnsLib.DICOM.Notify.Errored) as %Status
This callback is called by the framework when an assocation encounters an error
method OnAssociationEstablished(pSourceConfigName As %String, pInput As EnsLib.DICOM.Notify.Established) as %Status
This call back is called by the framework when an Association is established
method OnAssociationRejected(pSourceConfigName As %String, pInput As EnsLib.DICOM.Notify.Rejected) as %Status
This callback is called by the framework when an Association is rejected
method OnAssociationReleased(pSourceConfigName As %String, pInput As EnsLib.DICOM.Notify.Released) as %Status
This callback is called by the framework when an Association is released
method OnDetermineTransferSyntax(Output pTransferSyntax="") as %Status
Use this method to dynamically configure the transfer syntax for outbound connections to DICOM peers. The transfer syntax now supports a comma delimted list of transfer syntaxes
method OnError(request As %Library.Persistent, ByRef response As %Library.Persistent, callrequest As %Library.Persistent, pErrorStatus As %Status, pCompletionKey As %String) as %Status
This method is called when an error response is received Returning the same error will cause the BusinessProcess to set its status to error and close down Returning $$$OK from this method causes the BusinessProcess to recover from this error
method OnMessage(pSourceConfigName As %String, pInput As %Library.Persistent) as %Status
A message has been received from the service/operation, typically these are instances of EnsLib.DICOM.Document. Its the responsbility of the subclass to handle these messages
method ReleaseAssociation(pDuplexConfigName) as %Status
This method can be called to release a previously established association with the operations peer
method ScheduleWakeupCall(pTimeout As %Integer) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (Ens.BusinessProcess)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (Ens.BusinessProcess)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (Ens.BusinessProcess)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (Ens.BusinessProcess)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (EnsLib.PrivateSession.Process)



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