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class Publish.FileScan

Used by the Utils.ExternalFiles::GeneratePDFIndex method. Use this class to get a dynamic object for use in generating the index.html files that accompany the PDFs. We create the object by scanning the paths and the files on them (and we consider the exclusions).

The object returned by the GetIndexObjectFromPath() method has the following properties:

Method Inventory


classmethod ExportData()
Assumes you have run BuildGlobalsForIndex()
classmethod FilesAreJaJp() as %Boolean
Returns 1 if we are loading doc from a Japanese source subbranch; otherwise returns 0.
classmethod GetIndexObjectFromPath(verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceRebuild As %Boolean = 1, onlyStatic As %Boolean = 0) as %DynamicObject
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