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class Publish.Index

Use this class to generate the index.html files that accompany the PDFs. This class is used by the Utils.ExternalFiles::GeneratePDFIndex method.

Method Inventory


classmethod GeneratePDFIndexFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceRebuild As %Boolean = 1, onlyStatic As %Boolean = 0, ByRef indexfilename)
Generates an index file (for PDFs), given the current path; writes this to DocBookMgr/Indexes.
classmethod GetHTMLForPDFIndex(verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceRebuild As %Boolean = 1, onlyStatic As %Boolean = 0) as %String
classmethod GetHeadInfo(ByRef title, onlyStatic As %Boolean = 0) as DocAPI.v1.HeadInfo
Utility method for use only in this class
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