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class Utils.Config

Utility methods for setting and getting parameters used when loading files into the database. NB: The DocBook Manager does not use these following parameters: EXPIRES (default caching of page served by DocBook), URL (does not appear to be used), and TRACE (for debugging).

Method Inventory


classmethod AddPathItem(pathitem As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Add a path item: Either add a complete directory to the search path or add a book directory or article to the extra items.
classmethod BackupParams()
classmethod ClearConfig(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ClearExtraPath(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Clears the search path and extra sources
classmethod ClearMainPath(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Clears the search path and extra sources
classmethod DisplaySOURCE(includeExtra As %Boolean = 0)
Writes out the path. Useful in the Terminal. Not used by the UI.
classmethod EnableChecks(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Used by the Zen method RestoreDefaultParams().

This method enables ENTITYCHECK, PDFCHECK so that we DO check those items.

It also disables IGNORECOLORERROR so that we DO NOT suppress reporting of those problems.

classmethod HaveEXTERNALSOURCE()
classmethod HaveEXTRASOURCE()
classmethod HaveSOURCE()
classmethod RestoreDefaultParams(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Utility method specific to InterSystems doc group. This method sets the INCLREMARK to default value and then calls EnableChecks().
classmethod SetExtraPathFromList(list, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Used by the Zen method SetPathFromList().
classmethod SetPathFromList(list, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Used by the Zen method SetPathFromList().
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