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class Utils.ExternalFiles

Method Inventory


classmethod CleanupCSPDocBook(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
removes all directories added via ^Settings("EXTERNAL")
classmethod CollectPDFs(verbose As %Boolean = 1, copyPDFs As %Boolean = 1, forceClear As %Boolean = 0)
Generates an index file (for PDFs), given the current path; writes this to DocBookMgr/Indexes. Also generates a .bat file that collects all the PDFs and writes them to a subdirectory relative to the location where the .bat file is run, for use outside of this system. If CopyPDFs, this method copies PDFs from Perforce locations into $system.Util.InstallDirectory()_$$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR_"pdfs/pdfs" and also copies the index file there, appropriately named. The "Perforce locations" use the current search path and our long-standing directory organization conventions.
classmethod CopyChangeDoc(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Look for the changes & history files in Perforce and copy them if applicable. These files live generally in //learning///doc/changes/. To find the files, we look at the master directory (if defined) and try to find the changes directory relative to that; failing that we look at the FIRST source directory and try to find the changes directory relative to that. The name of "the changes file" is always ReleaseIDchanges.html and the name of "the history file" is always ReleaseIDhistory.html where the ReleaseID matches the ReleaseID of the relinfo file. Ex: IRIS2021.2changes.html and IRIS2021.2history.html
classmethod CopyChangeDocINTERNALNEW(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod CopyExternalDir(sourcedir As %String = "", targetdir As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
sourcedir is a fully qualified directory name and targetdir is the name of a subdirectory within $$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR
classmethod CopyRelNotes(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Post the most recent MRNotes (& PreNotes, if applicable) for the given release, into the $$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR/relnotes directory within the installation directory for the instance. The MRNotes file gets renamed to index.html.
classmethod DeletePDFs(verbose As %Boolean)
classmethod DeleteRelNotes(verbose As %Boolean)
classmethod DisplayCSPDocBook(verbose As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod GenerateCollectors()
classmethod GeneratePDFIndex(verbose As %Boolean = 0, copyPDFs As %Boolean = 1)
Called by CollectPDFs. Generates an index for the PDF files and writes it into $system.Util.InstallDirectory()_"DocBookManager/Indexes" If copyPDFs, this also copies the file (as index.html) into $system.Util.InstallDirectory()_$$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR_"pdfs/". In both cases, the necessary CSS and logo files are also included in the index file's destination.
classmethod MakePDFCollector(verbose As %Boolean = 0, generateBat As %Boolean = 1)
Called by GeneratePDFIndex. Generates a .bat file that copies PDFs from Perforce locations into a subdirectory of the directory in which you run this .bat file. The "Perforce locations" use the current search path and our long-standing directory organization conventions.
classmethod RemoveAllExternalFiles(verbose As %Boolean)
Removes the relnotes and pdfs subdirectories of $$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR. Also removes any subdirectory that we previously created because the relinfo file specified an . This method does not remove directories that are not in the relinfo file, though.
classmethod RemoveCSPDocBookSubdir(subdirname As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
given the short name of a subdirectory within install-dir/$$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR, this method deletes that directory and all its contents. There is no effect if the given name is null.
classmethod UseAll(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
used by load all methods
classmethod UseExternalDirs(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Use with rebranded external files, indicated in the relinfo file. This method copies the HTML files into $$$DEFAULTWEBAPPDIR.
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