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class Utils.ImageFiles

Contains the code we use to manage the associated image files.

Method Inventory


classmethod CopyImages()
classmethod CopyImagesDir(source As %String = "C:\Perforce\iris\2018.1.x\doc\translate\iris-src\GCAS", target As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceLower As %Boolean = 1) as %Integer
Copy all files from source/images to target/images and return the number of files copied
classmethod GETEXTRAImageFiles(SourceDirectory As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1, forceLower As %Boolean = 1)
Use this to copy image files for an EXTRA item
classmethod GETImageFiles(verbose As %Boolean = 1, which As %String = "", targetdir As %String = "")
Use this to copy image files from their Perforce locations (and on the search path)

which can be a book ID or can be "articles" or can be "" (which means get all image files).

classmethod ImageFileBelongsToID(filename As %String, DocBookID As %String = "") as %Boolean
Returns 1 if the given image file belongs to the given DocBookID (given our image file naming conventions).
classmethod IteratorForCopyImages(source As %String = "", target As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 1)
Iterate through all subdirectories of the given source directory. For each, call CopyImagesDir(). and return the number of files copied.
classmethod RefreshAllArticleImageFiles(loaddir="", verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceLower As %Boolean = 1) as %Integer
classmethod RefreshImageFilesForArticle(loaddir, docbookid, verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceLower As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod RefreshNavPageImageFiles(loaddir="", verbose As %Boolean = 0, forceLower As %Boolean = 1) as %Integer
classmethod RemoveImageFilesForID(docbookid, verbose As %Boolean = 0) as %Integer
returns the number of deleted files
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