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class Utils.PostLoad

Method Inventory


classmethod AdjustRemapValues(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
For use with old UI and with content that contains remap values
classmethod AfterLoad(type As %String = "", DocBookId As %String, LoadDir As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0, isExtra As %Boolean = 0, skipImageFiles As %Boolean = 0)
Always run after loading a file.
classmethod ApplyMacros(verbose As %Integer = 0, topid As %String = "")
classmethod CalcAddlPropsForID(DocBookId As %String = "", verbose As %Integer = 0)
classmethod CalculatedAddlProps(verbose As %Integer = 0) as %Status
classmethod CheckMacros(verbose As %Integer = 1, topid As %String = "") as %Status
Locates and logs any unprocessed macros, in the document specified if one is specified through the topid argument, or in all content currently loaded if no topid is specified.
classmethod GenerateSiteMap(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GenerateXMLReports(forceRebuild As %Boolean = 0, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod HaveSearchableProp() as %Boolean
Helper method for use in this class
classmethod HideFromSearch(DocBookID As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod HideItemsFromSearch(list As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
list is a space-separated list of DocBookIDs
classmethod InternalCalcAddlProps(verbose As %Integer) as %Status
Called by CalculatedAddlProps. No need to call directly
classmethod InternalCalcAddlPropsForID(DocBookID As %String = "", verbose As %Integer = 0)
called by CalcAddlPropsForID. No need to call directly.
classmethod PostProcess(which As %String = "all", verbose As %Integer = 0, catchUp As %Boolean = 0, jobTables As %Boolean = 1)
which is "all" "all*" or the DocBookID of a book, article, or set.
classmethod PostProcessALL(verbose As %Boolean = 0, jobTables As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod ProcessArchAttribute(verbose As %Integer = 0, item As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod ProcessConditionAttribute(verbose As %Integer = 0, item As %String = "") as %Status
Iterates through all rows in the and DocBook.article tables. For each book or article, this method finds the condition attribute for the given book or article and then uses that to set the ExtraTags field for each row in DocBook.block that belong to the given book or article. Also recurses through these lower-level rows to find any additional condition attributes and add tags from them as well.

item is optional. If specified, it must be the blockid of a book or article; if you specify this, we process just that book or article.

classmethod ProcessDerivedTags(verbose As %Integer = 0)
classmethod ProcessDerivedTagsFromFile(filename As %String = "c:\0work\derivedtags.txt", verbose As %Integer = 0)
Given a derivedtags.txt file, updates the extraTags property for any affected block
classmethod ProcessHideThese(verbose As %Integer = 1)
classmethod ProcessHomePageDescFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Returns 1 if successful or 0 otherwise
classmethod ProcessHomePageFile(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Returns 1 if successful or 0 otherwise
classmethod ProcessRankings(verbose As %Integer = 0)
classmethod ProcessRankingsForID(DocBookID As %String = "", verbose As %Integer = 0)
classmethod ProcessRankingsFromFile(filename As %String = "c:\0work\cache-rankings.txt", verbose As %Integer = 0)
Given a rankings file, updates the Rank property for all records in DocBook.block
classmethod ProcessRankingsFromFileForID(filename As %String = "c:/0work/cache-rankings.txt", DocBookID As %String = "", verbose As %Integer = 0)
Given a rankings file, updates the Rank property for all records in DocBook.block that match the given DocBookID
classmethod ProcessShortTitles(verbose As %Integer = 1, item As %String = "") as %Status
classmethod ProcessTaxo(verbose As %Integer = 0, check As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ProcessTopid(id As %Numeric, verbose As %Integer = 0) as %Status
Called by ProcessConditionAttribute. Given the id (not blockid) of a book or article, see if this record has a value for the condition attribute, and if so, extract that value and update the ExtraTags field for this record and all child records. Process child records in the same way.
classmethod RemoveEmptyBooks(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Remove any entries from that have no child records. IOW, removes empty books.
classmethod RemoveExcluded(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Removes excluded books and articles
classmethod RestoreItemsToSearch(list As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
list is a space-separated list of DocBookIDs
classmethod UseExclusionList(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
re-reads and reapplies exclusions; deletes items from exclusions list.
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