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class Utils.Setup.Setup extends %Library.RegisteredObject

Method Inventory


classmethod AddRoles(verbose As %Boolean = 1) as %Status
Add necessary roles so that tech. services does not need to do this manually (DOCS-6629)
classmethod CreateDBMApp(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
This method is not yet used; also might want /csp/dad instead or in addition to this. Also would need code to set up the physical directory (get stylesheet for one)
classmethod GrantAccessToTables(verbose As %Boolean)
classmethod HaveSearchablePropCOPY() as %Boolean
Helper method for use in this class
classmethod ImportUsageStatsForNamespace(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Need to run this code right after reinitializing the database
classmethod InspectProject(projectName As %String = "UnitTest")
classmethod Load(filename As %String = "", projectName As %String = "", verbose As %Boolean)
classmethod LoadAndCompileDocBook(which As %String = "new", verbose As %Boolean = 1)
Helper method for use by Setup(). which = old or new
classmethod LoadAndCompileHelperCode(which As %String = "private", verbose As %Boolean = 1, initTables As %Boolean = 0)
Helper method. which = public or private
classmethod LoadDir(dirname As %String = "c:/Perforce/learning/docbook/core/cls/DocAPI", fileSpec As %String = "*.xml", projectName As %String = "try1", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod LoadDirNoRecurse(dirname As %String = "c:/Perforce/learning/docbook/core/cls/DocAPI", fileSpec As %String = "*.xml", projectName As %String = "try1", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod ModifyDBApp(namespace As %String = "DOCBOOK", verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod OnCodeReload(verbose As %Boolean = 1)
Run during any option H reload of helper code. Any special deployment code that needs to be run on each instance during a helper code update is included here. (If there is no special code to run during an update, simply return $$$OK.)
classmethod OptionCSP(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Corresponds to the CSP option in the ^%zdocserver menus
classmethod OptionD(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Corresponds to the D option in the ^%zdocserver menus
classmethod OptionH(whichHelper As %String, verbose As %Boolean = 0)
Corresponds to the H option in the ^%zdocserver menus
classmethod ResumeTaskManager(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod SetMemoryAllocations(verbose As %Boolean = 1, global8kbmax As %Integer = 1024, routinecachemax As %Integer = 300) as %Status
Sets 8kb global buffer and routine cache memory allocations for this instance: Does not modify any configurations that have already been set manually. Does not modify automatic configurations that are below threshold values. Brings automatic configuratons that exceed threshold values down to those values: which are 1024 for 8kb global buffers and 300 for the routine cache. (To override these default thresholds, provide values for the global8kbmax and routinecachemax arguments to this method)
classmethod SetupAlgoliaAPIKey()
classmethod SetupAlgoliaIndexName()
classmethod SetupAlgoliaInfo()
classmethod SetupAll(whichDocBook As %String = "none", whichHelper As %String = "none", verbose As %Boolean = 1)
The whichDocBook parameter is used as follows:
  • "new" -- load the new version of DocBook UI
  • "none" -- do not load DocBook UI code
    The whichHelper parameter affects which helper code is loaded:
  • "public" -- all helper code except the DBM UI and other packages used only by the doc. team
  • "private" -- all help code needed to load content (no UI code) -- this is the stuff that's always loaded
  • "none" -- neither
classmethod SetupReCAPTCHAKeys()
classmethod SuspendTaskManager(verbose As %Boolean = 0)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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