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class Website.Index

Before using this class, it is NOT necessary to load any content into DocBook. Input data = relinfo files + relinfo\groupinfo\groupinfo.txt

Method Inventory


classmethod Generate(verbose As %Boolean = 0)
classmethod GetGroupHTML(websitegroup As %String = "", forFile As %Boolean = 1)
classmethod GetHTML(forFile As %Boolean = 1) as %String
Returns the HTML for index.html for

The argument forFile should be 1 (the default) if we are using this method to generate the index.html file, or 0 if we are using this method to preview this page's HTML elsewhere (such as through HTMLViewer.WebsiteFiles).

If forFile is 0, we use absolute rather than relative links for the icon images (since the relative paths won't work when the HTML is elsewhere, and we want to be able to preview how this page looks with images).

classmethod GetHeadInfo(ByRef title) as DocAPI.v1.HeadInfo
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