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class ZENApp.CompositeReport.headerInfo extends %ZEN.Report.Display.node

This is an example of how to create a user "auxiliary" class as to structure information in user defined xml formats. This is used by the composite class: reportHeader. Note that %ZEN.Report.Display.node is used for Report Display objects; In Zen UI component design, this corresponds to the use of %ZEN.Component.object This is *not* a composite display component, although it is easy to turn it into one and is a great excercise for the reader.

Property Inventory


property author as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: authorDisplayToLogical(), authorGet(), authorIsValid(), authorLogicalToDisplay(), authorLogicalToOdbc(), authorNormalize(), authorSet()
property month as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: monthDisplayToLogical(), monthGet(), monthIsValid(), monthLogicalToDisplay(), monthLogicalToOdbc(), monthNormalize(), monthSet()
property runBy as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: runByDisplayToLogical(), runByGet(), runByIsValid(), runByLogicalToDisplay(), runByLogicalToOdbc(), runByNormalize(), runBySet()
property runTime as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: runTimeDisplayToLogical(), runTimeGet(), runTimeIsValid(), runTimeLogicalToDisplay(), runTimeLogicalToOdbc(), runTimeNormalize(), runTimeSet()

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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