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class ZENApp.CompositeReport.reportHeader extends %ZEN.Report.Display.composite

This is an alternative use of Zen templates. Runtime expressions are still allowed, however templates are only instantiated at runtime (they can be thought of as a set of default children for a Report Display group. Any Runtime expressions used in a template will be evaluated in the context of the host - report or composite - that invokes the template. Templates and composites can interact in a powerful way when using the parameterization made available by Runtime expressions. Note that a default value for the template argument is provided to cause the Display XData to be included automatically in the host component.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NAMESPACE =;
Inherited description: XML namespace used for Zen Report display definitions.


property infoSeparator as %ZEN.Datatype.string;
Property methods: infoSeparatorDisplayToLogical(), infoSeparatorGet(), infoSeparatorIsValid(), infoSeparatorLogicalToDisplay(), infoSeparatorLogicalToOdbc(), infoSeparatorNormalize(), infoSeparatorSet()
property reportInfo as headerInfo;
Property methods: reportInfoGet(), reportInfoGetSwizzled(), reportInfoIsValid(), reportInfoNewObject(), reportInfoSet()
property reportSubtitle as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "element");
Property methods: reportSubtitleDisplayToLogical(), reportSubtitleGet(), reportSubtitleIsValid(), reportSubtitleLogicalToDisplay(), reportSubtitleLogicalToOdbc(), reportSubtitleNormalize(), reportSubtitleSet()
property reportTitle as %ZEN.Datatype.string (XMLPROJECTION = "element");
Property methods: reportTitleDisplayToLogical(), reportTitleGet(), reportTitleIsValid(), reportTitleLogicalToDisplay(), reportTitleLogicalToOdbc(), reportTitleNormalize(), reportTitleSet()


method %OnAfterCreateComposite() as %Status
use this to parse the value for infoSeparator and create the proper fo objects. for demo purposes we just defined that infoSeparator should be :

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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