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class ZENTest.SchedulePaneTest extends

Test page for Zen SchedulePane component.
This page used the ZENTest.ScheduleData class to store appointments entered via the schedule pane.

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = ZENTest.TestApplication;
Application this page belongs to.
parameter DOMAIN = ZENTEST;
Inherited description: Localization domain
parameter PAGENAME = Schedule Pane Test;
Inherited description: Optional. This is the display name used for this page. If not provided, the class name is used.


classmethod GetScheduleInfo(ByRef pParms As %String, pStartDate As %Date, pEndDate As %Date, ByRef pInfo As %List) as %Boolean
GetScheduleInfo callback for the Schedule Pange.
This method returns the set of scheduled items that should be displayed on the schedulePane.
clientmethod deleteItem() [ Language = javascript ]
Delete the current appointment.
clientmethod saveItem() [ Language = javascript ]
Save the current appointment information.
clientmethod scheduleDataDrop(dragData) [ Language = javascript ]
Data drop handler for schedule pane. User has dropped an item on the schedule pane.
clientmethod selectDate(date) [ Language = javascript ]
User has selected a new date in the calendar. Update the schedule pane.
clientmethod selectItem(id, time) [ Language = javascript ]
User has selected a new item in the schedule. Update the form showing details for the selected appointment.
clientmethod setPerson(name) [ Language = javascript ]
View the schedule for the person name.
clientmethod setScheduleInterval(interval) [ Language = javascript ]
Change the time interval displayed by the schedulePane.
clientmethod setScheduleView(view) [ Language = javascript ]
Change what the schedule pane is displaying. view is 'day','week', or 'month'.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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