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class ZMdemo.bootstrap.ApplicationServerSide extends %ZEN.Mojo.baseApplication

Load and Store Sample.Person Application

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATIONNAME = Bootstrap Server-side Layout Sample;
This is the name of this application.
parameter HOMEPAGE = ZMdemo.bootstrap.HomePageServerSide.cls;
This is the URL of the main starting page of this application.


classmethod %GetAppSettings(pPage As %String = "", pMode As %String = "") as %ZEN.proxyObject
Return an object containing the various configured settings for the portal.
classmethod ZMojoDrawBackgroundDiv(pPage As %String, pMode As %String = "") as %Status
Draw the contents of the background div section (this is purely decorative) pPage is the calling page's LOGICALNAME.
classmethod ZMojoDrawBasicHelp(pPage As %String, pMode As %String = "") as %Status
Draw the contents of the basic section. pPage is the calling page's LOGICALNAME.
classmethod ZMojoDrawFooterGroup(pPage As %String, pMode As %String = "") as %Status
Draw the contents of the footer group section. pPage is the calling page's LOGICALNAME.
Draw the contents of the quick links section. pPage is the calling page's LOGICALNAME.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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