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class ZMdemo.html5.HomePage extends %ZEN.Mojo.basePage

This is the home page of the Mojo HTML5 Plugin Demo.

The %ZEN.Mojo.Plugin.HTML5Helper is a helper plugin, which is always used in conjunction with a page manager plugin.

In this demo a Dojo-based Mojo application is enriched with HTML5 elements.

Method Inventory


parameter APPLICATION = ZMdemo.html5.Application;
Class name of application this page belongs to. This is set by the %OnCreateApplication method.
parameter CSSINCLUDES = dojo-release-1-9-1/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css;
Comma-separated list of additional CSS3 include files for the page. If this is defined *and* this page is using CSS3, then the CSSINCLUDES parameter is ignored. If this is not defined *and* this page is using CSS3, then the CSSINCLUDES parameter is used.
parameter DOMAIN = Zen Mojo Demo;
Domain used for localization.
parameter JSINCLUDES = dojo-release-1-9-1/dojo/dojo.js;
Comma-separated list of additional JS include files for the page.
parameter TEMPLATECLASS = ZMdemo.html5.baseTemplate;
Starting template class for this page Used by contentProvider. This is overriden by application settings, if provided.


clientmethod adjustContentSize(load, width, height) [ Language = javascript ]
Adjust size of components within the content area.
clientmethod getMaxContentWidth() [ Language = javascript ]
In non-embed mode, maximum width of page content area.
clientmethod onPageShow(key) [ Language = javascript ]
Dispatches onPageShow event handling to the current content template.

The content template has to implement the pageShow() JavaScript function.

clientmethod onlayoutHandler(load As %Library.String) [ Language = javascript ]
Triggers the automatic resize of the topmost Dojo container every time, when the page is first loaded or whenever it is resized.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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