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class EnsLib.Printing.PrintService extends Ens.BusinessService

Basic Print Service

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter SETTINGS = Target;


property Target as Ens.DataType.ConfigName;
Target to send print requests to
Property methods: TargetDisplayToLogical(), TargetGet(), TargetIsValid(), TargetLogicalToDisplay(), TargetLogicalToOdbc(), TargetNormalize(), TargetParseConfigNameSpec(), TargetSet()


method OnProcessInput(pInput As %RegisteredObject, Output pOutput As %RegisteredObject, ByRef pHint As %String) as %Status
Authors of BusinessService implements this method to receive incoming data
classmethod SubmitPrintRequest(pRequest As EnsLib.Printing.PrintRequest, pServiceName As %String = $classname()) as %Status
Dispatch the printing request to a business service

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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