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class EnsPortal.SVG.DTLDiagram extends EnsPortal.SVG.templatePage

Ensemble DTL Diagram
This page renders the SVG needed to display the SVG portion of the DTL editor.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter DOMAIN = Ensemble;
Use our own domain for localization
parameter JSINCLUDES = ensdtlzen.js,ensdtlparser.js;
Comma-delimited list of additional .js files.
parameter RESOURCE = %Ens_Code:READ,%Ens_DTL:READ;
User needs READ permissions on either the %Ens_Code or the %Ens_DTL resource to view this page.


property currPage as %String (ZENURL = "PAGE");
Curr page of trace
Property methods: currPageDisplayToLogical(), currPageGet(), currPageIsValid(), currPageLogicalToDisplay(), currPageLogicalToOdbc(), currPageNormalize(), currPageSet()


classmethod %OnDrawSVGDef() as %Status
Callback method called when drawing the SVG defs for this page.
method %OnDrawSVGPage() as %Status
Inherited description: Callback method. If defined, this provides a way for a subclass to add static SVG content to the svgPage.
classmethod %OnDrawStyleSVG() as %Status
Callback method called when drawing the SVG CSS style for this page.
method DrawAdditionalScript()
Write out any other scripts needed by editor.
method DrawDTLDiagram() as %Status
Draw the SVG DTL diagram.
clientmethod onSVGLoad() [ Language = javascript ]
Inherited description: This method is called when this svgPage is loaded.
clientmethod setZoom(zoom) [ Language = javascript ]
Set the zoom level

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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