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Settings for X12 Business Services

Provides reference information for settings of an X12 business service.


X12 business services have the following settings:

Group Settings See
Basic Settings Target Config Names, Doc Schema Category Settings for Business Services” in Ensemble Virtual Documents
Additional Settings Search Table Class, Settings for Business Services” in Ensemble Virtual Documents
Reply Target Config Names, Reply Mode, Batch Handling, Batch Error Action, Batch Reply Type, Local Application ID, Tolerate Newlines, Default Char Encoding, Validation sections in this topic

The remaining settings are either common to all business services or are determined by the type of adapter. For information, see the section “Reference for Settings” in each of the following books:

Batch Error Action

Specifies what to do when a validation error is detected in a batch Interchange document. Options include:

  • Reject With All Errors — Reject the whole batch if any error is found in any document within it. Enumerate all errors found in the batch if Batch Reply Type allows for reporting them. This prevents forwarding any documents in a batch until all have been read and validated.

  • Reject On First Error — Reject the whole batch when the first error is found in any document within it. Do not bother checking for more errors or parsing any further contents of the Interchange. This prevents forwarding any documents in a batch until all have been read and validated.

  • Reject Individual Errors — Reject only those documents within the Interchange that have errors. Forward each acceptable child document to its target(s) as soon as it has been read and validated. This is the default.

If Reply Mode is Application and Batch Error Action is not Individual, it could happen that Ensemble forward some of the documents in a batch before rejecting the whole batch upon encountering an error.

Batch Handling

X12 Transaction Set documents are often packaged in a batch document called an Interchange which contains nested sub-batches called Functional Groups. The Batch Handling setting specifies how Ensemble treats received document batches. The options are:

  • Whole Batch — Do not process child documents individually; accumulate and send the whole batch as one composite document.

  • Single-Session Batch — Forward all documents in the batch together in one session; the session includes objects representing the parent document header and trailer segments. This is the default.

  • Multi-Session Batch — Forward each document in the batch in its own session, including the objects representing the batch header and trailer segments.

  • Individual — Forward each child document in the batch in its own session; do not forward objects representing the parent batch document’s header and trailer segments.

Batch Reply Type

Specifies the type of batch reply to create for an Interchange batch that has been received. The following table lists the possible choices:

Value Meaning
None Do not generate a batch reply. If an error occurs, do not create any immediate notification reply to the sender.
All Generate a reply Interchange containing a reply notification for every TransactionSet received in the Interchange.
All+TA1 Generate a reply Interchange containing a TA1 segment that indicates acceptance or error status for the entire Interchange, and a reply notification for every TransactionSet received in the Interchange.

Whether or not errors are found, generate a reply Interchange. If no errors are found, generate an empty reply Interchange. If errors are found, generate an Interchange that contains reply notifications only for TransactionSets in which errors are detected.

This is the default setting if no choice is specified.

OnlyIfErrors If errors are found, generate a reply Interchange that contains reply notifications only for TransactionSets in which errors are detected.
Successes Whether or not errors are found, generate a reply Interchange. If errors are found for every TransactionSet, generate an empty reply Interchange. Otherwise, generate a reply Interchange that contains reply notifications only for TransactionSets in which no errors are detected (successes).
TA1 Generate a reply Interchange containing only a TA1 segment that indicates acceptance or error status for the whole Interchange received.
OnlyIfErrorTA1 If errors are found, generate a reply Interchange that contains only a TA1 segment that indicates error status for the whole Interchange received.
ISA14-TA1 If field ISA:14 of the incoming ISA header segment is set to 1, generate a reply Interchange containing only a TA1 segment; otherwise return nothing.
ISA14-OnlyIfErrorTA1 If errors are found and field ISA:14 of the incoming ISA header segment is set to 1, generate a reply Interchange containing only an error TA1 segment; otherwise return nothing.
Byte Generate a reply consisting of a single character code: 'A' if the entire Interchange is accepted, 'R' if it is rejected due to one or more errors.

All of the options that relate to TA1 segments are used to force a TA1 segment to be generated, often as the only body segment of the reply interchange. This convention is used to represent the presence or absence of errors in the entire inbound Interchange. However, if an error is found in the incoming ISA or IEA that can only be reported in a TA1 segment, then a TA1 is generated even if the configured setting does not force a TA1 to appear.

Default Char Encoding

Specifies the character set of the input data. Ensemble automatically translates the characters from this character encoding. Supported values are UTF-8 or any member of the Latinn family. The value Native means to use the native encoding of the Ensemble server.

Placing a @ (at sign) character at the beginning of this field means that the field identifies an internal NLS Translation Table instead of a logical character encoding.

The default depends on the adapter.

For background information on character translation in Caché, see “Localization Support” in the Caché Programming Orientation Guide.

Local Application ID

Colon-separated LocalID:Qualifier code that represents the facility and application that receive X12 documents via this business service. These are used to create reply document headers. The @ (at sign) character represents using the corresponding field from the incoming document. If your ID must contain a literal @ symbol, escape it with back slash: \@

The default value is:


Reply Mode

Specifies how to issue X12 reply documents (such as TA1 and 997). Options include:

  • Never — Do not send back any reply.

  • Immediate — Send a reply from the business service immediately upon receipt of an Interchange. This is the default.

  • Application — Wait for a response from the target configuration item. When it arrives, relay the reply back to the sender. If validation fails or some other error occurs, generate an immediate reply according to the option selected for BatchReplyType.

Reply Target Config Names

(File and FTP only) Specifies a comma-separated list of configuration items within the production to which the business service should relay any X12 reply documents that it receives (such as TA1 and 997). Usually the list contains one item, but it can be longer. The list can include business processes or business operations, or a combination of both.

Compare to Target Config Names.

Tolerate Newlines

True or False. If True, the business service processes an incoming X12 file without error, even if new lines have been inserted into the file after (or in place of) segment terminators to enhance readability. If False, these extra new lines trigger an error in parsing the file. The default is True.

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