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  1. If you have not yet done so, use MVIMPORT to import the sample Universe account into Caché. The backup file is <cachesys>\Dev\tutorials\mv.

  2. If you have not yet done so, run PROTOCLASS on PERSON. Be sure to include all of the dictionary entries in the class.

  3. Using the Management Portal, execute SQL queries that return the following data:

    1. The NAME, AGE, and HAIR values from MVFILE.PERSON where the HAIR value is not “BRUNETTE” and the AGE value is greater than 35.

    2. All of the data from MVFILE.PERSON displayed in ascending alphabetical order by the NAME values.

    3. The number of rows in MVFILE.PERSON where the NAME value is “SMITH,...” (that is, the last name is SMITH).

      Hint: Use the Caché SQL %STARTSWITH operator. For information on %STARTSWITH, see %STARTSWITH in the Caché SQL Reference.

    4. The NAME and PHONE values for each row of MVFILE.PERSON where the PHONE value contains a multivalue that starts with “333” (that is, contains a phone number with a 333 area code).

      Hint: Use the Caché SQL %PATTERN operator. For information on %PATTERN, see %PATTERN in the Caché SQL Reference.

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