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Specifying Tooltips for Members

Specifying Tooltips for Members

When a user hovers the cursor near a member name in the Analyzer, DeepSee displays a tooltip. By default, the member name is the tooltips. You can specify additional information to display in these tooltips for any level. To do so:

  1. Add a property to that level. For the source value, use a value that contains the desired tooltips.

  2. In Studio, edit the cube definition and modify the newly added property. For this property, specify the isDescription attribute as "true". See <property> in the appendix “Reference Information for Cube Classes.”

    Now the tooltip is the member name, followed by a hyphen, followed by the value of the specified property. For example:

    generated description: level tooltip

This is useful when you want to use short member names, for reasons of space, but also need to provide a fuller description of each member.

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