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Multiplies two floating point numbers.




num An expression that resolves to a number or numeric string.


The FMUL function multiplies two numbers and returns the product. If a num value is a null string or a non-numeric value, FMUL parses its value as 0 (zero).

You can perform the same operation using the multiplication operator (*). Refer to the Operators page of this manual.

Arithmetic Operations

  • To perform arithmetic operations on floating point numbers, use the FADD, FSUB, FMUL, and FDIV functions, or use the standard arithmetic operators.

  • To perform arithmetic operations on numeric strings, use the SADD, SSUB, SMUL, and SDIV functions.

  • To perform integer division, use the DIV function. To perform modulo division, use the MOD function.

  • To perform arithmetic operations on corresponding elements of dynamic arrays, use the ADDS, SUBS, MULS, DIVS, and MODS functions.

  • To perform numeric comparison operations, use the SCMP function, or use the standard comparison operators.


The following examples use the FMUL function to multiply two floating point numbers:

PRINT FMUL(3.33,78.0);   ! returns 259.74

See Also

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