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Demonstration: Adding A Rule to the Rule Set

We will now begin to configure a routing rule for the new router's Rule Set. Our rules will forward only messages matching the following criteria to the TutorialFileOperation:

  • The message's document type is 2.3:ORM_O01.

  • The MSH:ReceivingApplication field (MSH:5) contains "PHARMACY"

Follow these steps to start configuring the routing rule set:

  1. Click TutorialMsgRouter on the production diagram and then click the magnifying glass next to the Business Rule Name under Basic Settings.

    generated description: messagerouters6 1 20141

  2. The Rule Set already contains a rule. Add the following constraint to the rule. Note that double clicking the constraint box on the diagram launches the Rule Constraint Editor.

    • Schema Catetory: 2.3

    • Document Name: ORM_O01

    generated description: ruleconstraint 20141

    Click OK

  3. The updated rule looks like the following:

    generated description: messagerouters7 20141


Refer to Creating a Business Operation if you have not completed the earlier tutorial.

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