
Wrap the ZF functions of the BonjourAdvertiser library

Method Inventory


classmethod BrowseEnd(handle As %Integer)
classmethod BrowseRetrieve(handle As %Integer) as %String
classmethod BrowseStart(type As %String) as %Integer
classmethod BrowseUpdate(handle As %Integer) as %Integer
classmethod Delist(handle As %Integer)
classmethod IsSupported() as %Boolean
Returns true if Bonjour services are available in this instance, false if not.
classmethod LibraryName() as %String
Returns the name of the BonjourAdvertiser library
classmethod ResolveRetrieve(handle As %Integer) as %String
classmethod ResolveStart(interfaceIndex As %Integer, serviceName As %String, regType As %String, domain As %String) as %Integer
classmethod ResolveUpdate(handle As %Integer) as %Integer
classmethod TXTMapCreate() as %Integer
classmethod TXTMapDestroy(handle As %Integer)
classmethod TXTMapGetAt(handle As %Integer, key As %String, defaultValue As %String = "") as %String
classmethod TXTMapGetKeys(handle As %Integer) as %String
classmethod TXTMapKeysToList(keys As %String) as %List
classmethod TXTMapSetAt(handle As %Integer, key As %String, value As %String)

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods