
class %SYS.Monitor.AbstractDashboard extends %SYS.Monitor.AbstractSensor

Abstract definition of a Sensor collector for a Dashboard. This a special instance of a Sensor, which will collect the Sensors defined by calling CreateSensor() and then store the collected values in %SYS.Monitor.Sensor.Readings. The graphic Dashboard API will then be able to fetch the Sensor data from there for display.

User may implement Dashboard Sensors by inheriting from this class and implementing the Start() method (to create the Sensor definitions) and the GetSensors() method (to store the data).

Method Inventory


method Alert(Sensor As %String, Item As %String, Value As %String)
Sensors which have reached their CriticalValue will call here to post an Alert. By default this will post a message to cconsole.log, which will trigger an alert by the Cache System Monitor. User-defined Sensors may override that behavior by replacing this method.
classmethod CreateSensor(Sensor As %String, Item As %String = "", CriticalValue As %String = "", WarningValue As %String = "", Alert As %String = "", Units As %String = "", Operator As %String = "", Description As %String = "") as %Status
Create (or update) a Dashboard Sensor definition. User-defined Sensors should call this in Start(). See %SYS.Monitor.Sensor for an explanation of each argument (property), but users should call here rather than use the class API so the Sensor is correctly associated with their Dashboard collector Class. This only creates the Sensor if it doesn't already exist. Updating Critical/Warning Values or other properties can be done through the Class API once the Sensor is created.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods