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References an individual subscript of a map in the mts() array "MAP" substructure

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


parameter NodeRef = mts(..MtsMap.MtsStream.MtsQuery.Index, ..MtsMap.MtsStream.Index, "MAP", ..MtsMap.Imp, ..Index);
Inherited description: A string which, when evaluated, returns the reference for this node. e.g. "asl(1,..MyType, ..MyIndex, 4)"


property Index as %Integer;
The index (that is, level) of this subscript
Property methods: IndexDisplayToLogical(), IndexGet(), IndexIsValid(), IndexLogicalToDisplay(), IndexNormalize(), IndexSet()
property MtsMap as MtsMap;
The map to which this subcript applies
Property methods: MtsMapGet(), MtsMapGetSwizzled(), MtsMapIsValid(), MtsMapNewObject(), MtsMapSet()


method Constant() as %String
The constant value
method Ifn() as %Integer
The Ifn "field" number for this subscript
method IsConstant() as %Boolean
Is the type of this subscript "constant"?
method Type() as %Integer
The type code for this subscript

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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