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SQL Table Name: %TSQL_sys.cacheMsgXRef

sys.messagesXref - lookup from one domain to another. sys_message cross reference to look up TSQL sys_messages give a Caché messageId and an errorCode. errorCode from most Caché messages is '0' but for $$$CacheError and $$$SQLError the errorCode corresponds to the $ZError and SQLCODE values respectively. This class is not intended for use in error reporting. It is simply a way to convert a message from one domain into an equivalent message in another domain.

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property cacheMessage as %Integer (XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Property methods: cacheMessageDisplayToLogical(), cacheMessageGet(), cacheMessageIsValid(), cacheMessageLogicalToDisplay(), cacheMessageNormalize(), cacheMessageSet(), cacheMessageXSDToLogical()
property errorCode as %String (MAXLEN = 255, XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE") [ Required ];
Property methods: errorCodeDisplayToLogical(), errorCodeGet(), errorCodeIsValid(), errorCodeLogicalToDisplay(), errorCodeLogicalToOdbc(), errorCodeNormalize(), errorCodeSet()
property tsqlId as %Integer);
Property methods: tsqlIdDisplayToLogical(), tsqlIdGet(), tsqlIdIsValid(), tsqlIdLogicalToDisplay(), tsqlIdNormalize(), tsqlIdSet(), tsqlIdXSDToLogical()


classmethod findCache(messageId As %Integer) as %String
Lookup a Caché messageId and errorCode given a sys_messages id This is used commonly for a RAISEERROR statement
classmethod findTSQL(messageId As %Integer, errorCode As %String(MAXLEN=255)="0") as %Integer
findTSQL - lookup a TSQL sys_messages id given a Caché messageId and errorCode messageId is the Caché status id and errorCode is the submessage id.
classmethod linkCacheToTSQL(cacheStatus As %Integer, errorCode As %String(MAXLEN=255)="0", messageId As %Integer)
classmethod linkMessage(messageId As %Integer, cacheStatus As %Integer, errorCode As %String(MAXLEN=255)="0")
xref - link TSQL message to Cache message and invert the link not every message link has an inverse because a given message only uses one inverse message but it may be used by many inverse messages.
classmethod linkTSQLToCache(messageId As %Integer, cacheStatus As %Integer, errorCode As %String(MAXLEN=255)="0")
classmethod unlinkCacheToTSQL(cacheStatus As %Integer, errorCode As %String(MAXLEN=255)="0", messageId As %Integer)
classmethod unlinkTSQLToCache(messageId As %Integer, cacheStatus As %Integer, errorCode As %String(MAXLEN=255)="0")


index (IDK on cacheMessage,errorCode) [IdKey, Type = key];
Index methods: IDKCheck(), IDKDelete(), IDKExists(), IDKOpen(), IDKSQLCheckUnique(), IDKSQLExists(), IDKSQLFindPKeyByConstraint(), IDKSQLFindRowIDByConstraint()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheSQLStorage

Maps: 1

  • Map number 1 is named Master

    thismap.Global: ^%qCacheSQL

  • ^%qCacheSQL("mxc","tsql",{cacheMessage},{errorCode})
    Node Delimiter Piece Name
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