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EMS.DataMessage is used primarily to call a Method on the managed Instance and then to return any data from the Method. The Data property functions as a generic way to pass an array of arguments or return answers. This could be Name/Value pairs (Name as the 'key'), or a sequential list of Values. This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class."

Property Inventory


property Binary as %Binary);
Allow some binary data to be sent (perhaps a $list)
Property methods: BinaryGet(), BinaryIsValid(), BinaryLogicalToXSD(), BinarySet(), BinaryXSDToLogical()
property Data as array of %String);
Property methods: DataBuildValueArray(), DataCollectionToDisplay(), DataCollectionToOdbc(), DataDisplayToCollection(), DataDisplayToLogical(), DataGet(), DataGetObject(), DataGetObjectId(), DataGetSwizzled(), DataIsValid(), DataLogicalToDisplay(), DataLogicalToOdbc(), DataNormalize(), DataOdbcToCollection(), DataSet(), DataSetObject(), DataSetObjectId()

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods

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