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SQL Table Name: EMS.Instance

EMS.Instance is the configuration information kept by an EMS managed instance This class is used internally by Caché. You should not make direct use of it within your applications. There is no guarantee made about either the behavior or future operation of this class."

Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property LastCommunicationTime as %TimeStamp;
UTC time when the instance last received any communication from the manager including both web service request and response.
Property methods: LastCommunicationTimeDisplayToLogical(), LastCommunicationTimeGet(), LastCommunicationTimeGetStored(), LastCommunicationTimeIsValid(), LastCommunicationTimeLogicalToDisplay(), LastCommunicationTimeNormalize(), LastCommunicationTimeOdbcToLogical(), LastCommunicationTimeSet()
property LastCommunicationTimeLocal as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: LastCommunicationTimeLocalDisplayToLogical(), LastCommunicationTimeLocalIsValid(), LastCommunicationTimeLocalLogicalToDisplay(), LastCommunicationTimeLocalLogicalToOdbc(), LastCommunicationTimeLocalNormalize()
property LastReceivedTime as %TimeStamp;
UTC time of when the instance last updated based on data received from the EMS manager.
Property methods: LastReceivedTimeDisplayToLogical(), LastReceivedTimeGet(), LastReceivedTimeGetStored(), LastReceivedTimeIsValid(), LastReceivedTimeLogicalToDisplay(), LastReceivedTimeNormalize(), LastReceivedTimeOdbcToLogical(), LastReceivedTimeSet()
property LastReceivedTimeLocal as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: LastReceivedTimeLocalDisplayToLogical(), LastReceivedTimeLocalIsValid(), LastReceivedTimeLocalLogicalToDisplay(), LastReceivedTimeLocalLogicalToOdbc(), LastReceivedTimeLocalNormalize()
property LastSyncTime as %TimeStamp;
UTC time when the instance last sent data to the EMS manager
Property methods: LastSyncTimeDisplayToLogical(), LastSyncTimeGet(), LastSyncTimeGetStored(), LastSyncTimeIsValid(), LastSyncTimeLogicalToDisplay(), LastSyncTimeNormalize(), LastSyncTimeOdbcToLogical(), LastSyncTimeSet()
property LastSyncTimeLocal as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: LastSyncTimeLocalDisplayToLogical(), LastSyncTimeLocalIsValid(), LastSyncTimeLocalLogicalToDisplay(), LastSyncTimeLocalLogicalToOdbc(), LastSyncTimeLocalNormalize()
property LastUpdateTime as %TimeStamp;
LastUpdateTime is the last time that an instance was successfully updated based on manager data. Set on instance after update complete. Set on manager after success response received. These will be the same up to rounding errors.
Property methods: LastUpdateTimeDisplayToLogical(), LastUpdateTimeGet(), LastUpdateTimeGetStored(), LastUpdateTimeIsValid(), LastUpdateTimeLogicalToDisplay(), LastUpdateTimeNormalize(), LastUpdateTimeOdbcToLogical(), LastUpdateTimeSet()
property LastUpdateTimeLocal as %String [ Calculated ];
Property methods: LastUpdateTimeLocalDisplayToLogical(), LastUpdateTimeLocalIsValid(), LastUpdateTimeLocalLogicalToDisplay(), LastUpdateTimeLocalLogicalToOdbc(), LastUpdateTimeLocalNormalize()
property UpdateInProgress as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Flag to indicate an update for a Service is in progress. This is accessed by a public API (%SYS.EManager.UpdateInProgress) to help applications manage users access to the system).
Property methods: UpdateInProgressDisplayToLogical(), UpdateInProgressGet(), UpdateInProgressGetStored(), UpdateInProgressIsValid(), UpdateInProgressLogicalToDisplay(), UpdateInProgressNormalize(), UpdateInProgressSet()


classmethod CheckSTU(ByRef Message As %String) as %Boolean
Called by ^STU to see if there's any reason to disable startup. Return '1' to continue startup. Primarily used by Namespace Service when we're stopped during a Namespace update
classmethod GroupsAsString(state As %Integer = "") as %String
*** EMS API for instance.
GroupsAsString returns the names of the groups that the specified instance belongs to as a comma separated string. If the state argument is specified, then the list is filtered to groups in that state. See GroupState property for possible states.
method LastCommunicationTimeLocalGet() as %String
method LastReceivedTimeLocalGet() as %String
method LastSyncTimeLocalGet() as %String
method LastUpdateTimeLocalGet() as %String
classmethod ManagedForCPF() as %List
Return a $List of Services for which this Instance is Managed that have data in the Cache.CPF file. Checked at Startup (^STU) to determine if edits to the CPF file need to be undone.
classmethod Restricted(class As %RegisteredObject) as %Boolean
Returns a %Boolean value to indicate we should restrict access to data because the Instance is Managed for this Service. Checks IsManaged(), but allows access for EMS Manager downloads.
classmethod SendPropertiesUpdate(Object As %ObjectHandle, Properties As %List, Type As %String) as %Status
Send an update of a list of Properties for a single Service data Object from the Instance to the EMS Manager. This will generally update the Group/Service and then send the change to all Instances in the Group. But, 'Type' can be used to signal some special handling on EM, e.g. "DisableUser" becomes an InstanceOverride. NOTE: that PropertiesToMessage() only handles simple data type properties. Code would have to be enhanced if we need to pass list/array/child properties.
classmethod ServicesAsString(addSpaces As %Boolean = 0, useExternalNames As %Boolean = 0) as %String
*** EMS API for instance.
ServicesAsString returns the names of the services that that are managed for this instance.

Inherited Members

Inherited Methods


Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Instance)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Instance)


Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Instance)

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