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SQL Table Name: EMS_Service.License

EMS License distribution service.

Method Inventory


classmethod ClassList() as %List
A $List of all data Classes included in the Service. This would typically be full class names on the Cache Managed Instance and short class names on the EMS Manager.
method DataToShort(ClassName As %String) as %String
Convert our data ClassName to a short ClassName. Simplest case is last $P("."), but may be more complicated
classmethod GetLocalizedName() as %String
Get the localized name of the service This method must be overridden for each service
method ShortToData(Short As %String) as %String
Convert a short ClassName to a full data ClassName. Simplest case is Service.Class (or "Manager".Service.Class for EMS), but may require mapping or special cases.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Service.Base)

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