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SQL Table Name: EMS_Service.Mirror

Handles the Mirror data Service on the Cache Instance This uses the same basic class handlers as the Config Service

Method Inventory


parameter EXCLUDEPROP = CPFName,SectionHeader,Comments;
A list of Properties to exclude from the PropertyList method for this Service. Comma-delimited list; include "," at beginning and end


method AddSpecialData(Stream As %Stream.GlobalBinary) as EMS.Error
Additional data that doesn't fit the generic ClassList handler can be added to the end of the DataToMessage stream here. Default is nothing, but used for Config and Mirror.
method CheckRequiredState(State As %String) as EMS.Error
Check any requirements before updating this Service. A 'State' string may be passed in EMS.ServiceMessageData.RequiredState. Normally none, mostly used by Mirror to check for Primary ('State'="Primary").
classmethod ClassList() as %List
A $List of all data Classes included in the Service. This would typically be full class names on the Cache Managed Instance and short class names on the EMS Manager.
classmethod ConfigureSSL() as EMS.Error
Use EM X509 or SSL to setup %MirrorServer and %MirrorClient The caller should have checked that SSL is enabled. This will verify that the Mirror configs are not yet setup (don't overwrite an existing one) and that the EM certificate has the extendedKeyUsage for SSL/TLS.
method DeleteExtent(ClassName As %String) as %Status
Generic method for deleting the Extent of a Class on a Full Download. Extents don't work for Config classes, so for Mirror just delete the global.
classmethod Demoted() as %Boolean
Called from ConfigLoad to see if we're trying to demote a failover to a DR async Return 'true' if member is demoted, else 'false'
classmethod GetLocalizedName() as %String
Get the localized name of the service This method must be overridden for each service
classmethod GetSSLName(filename As %String, ByRef error As EMS.Error) as %String
Extract the SSL Subject field used as MapMirrors.SSLComputerName
classmethod MirrorDefaults() as EMS.DataMessage
WebService call to fetch system specific Mirror defaults.
classmethod MirrorOperation(request As EMS.DataMessage, return As EMS.DataMessage) as EMS.Error
WebService call to handle a few different Mirror operations. Operation is specified in Data("Operation"), Mirror is in Data("MirrorName") Other array entries may contain specific arguments. Operation may return values in 'return'.
classmethod MirrorStatus(request As EMS.DataMessage) as EMS.DataMessage
WebService call to return status of Mirror Instance.
method ShortToData(Short As %String) as %String
Convert a short ClassName to a full data ClassName. Simplest case is Service.Class (or "Manager".Service.Class for EMS), but may require mapping or special cases.

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Service.Base)

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