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SQL Table Name: EMS_Service.Security

Method Inventory


method Activate(Classes As %List) as %Status
Generic method for Activating a Service after a Download. A no-op by default, but may be overriden for specific Service.
classmethod ClassList() as %List
A $List of all Classes included in the Service
method DataToShort(ClassName As %String) as %String
Convert our data ClassName to a short ClassName. Simplest case is last $P("."), but may be more complicated
method DeleteExtent(ClassName As %String) as %Status
Generic method for deleting the Extent of a Class on a Full Download. Calls %DeleteExtent, but may be overriden for specific Service.
method ExtentQuery(ClassName As %String, Results As %ResultSet) as %Status
The query used to fetch all Service data for a specific class. Normally this is just the built in Extent query, but can be overriden to filter the Instance data sent to the Manager. The query must return the "ID" property like Extent does.
classmethod GetLocalizedName() as %String
Get the localized name of the service This method must be overridden for each service
method Rollback() as %Status
Generic method for a Service if we have to TROLLBACK during a Download. A no-op by default, but may be overriden for specific Service.
method ShortToData(Short As %String) as %String
Convert a short ClassName to our data ClassName. Handle special cases for Security

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods


Gray indicates storage defined by superclasses.

Storage Model: CacheStorage (EMS.Service.Base)

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