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Property Inventory

Method Inventory


property ArgCount as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: ArgCountDisplayToLogical(), ArgCountGet(), ArgCountIsValid(), ArgCountLogicalToDisplay(), ArgCountNormalize(), ArgCountSet()
property ArgName as %List;
Property methods: ArgNameGet(), ArgNameIsValid(), ArgNameLogicalToOdbc(), ArgNameOdbcToLogical(), ArgNameSet()
property BeanGen as %Compiler.LG.EJBBean3 [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: BeanGenGet(), BeanGenGetSwizzled(), BeanGenIsValid(), BeanGenNewObject(), BeanGenSet()
property BeanName as %String;
name of Bean
Property methods: BeanNameDisplayToLogical(), BeanNameGet(), BeanNameIsValid(), BeanNameLogicalToDisplay(), BeanNameLogicalToOdbc(), BeanNameNormalize(), BeanNameSet()
property Caching as %Library.Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: CachingDisplayToLogical(), CachingGet(), CachingIsValid(), CachingLogicalToDisplay(), CachingNormalize(), CachingSet()
property Dir as %Library.String;
Property methods: DirDisplayToLogical(), DirGet(), DirIsValid(), DirLogicalToDisplay(), DirLogicalToOdbc(), DirNormalize(), DirSet()
property DriverManager as %Library.Integer [ InitialExpression = 1 ];
Property methods: DriverManagerDisplayToLogical(), DriverManagerGet(), DriverManagerIsValid(), DriverManagerLogicalToDisplay(), DriverManagerNormalize(), DriverManagerSet()
property JG as %Compiler.LG.EJBJava [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: JGGet(), JGGetSwizzled(), JGIsValid(), JGNewObject(), JGSet()
property PrimaryKeyUsed as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: PrimaryKeyUsedDisplayToLogical(), PrimaryKeyUsedGet(), PrimaryKeyUsedIsValid(), PrimaryKeyUsedLogicalToDisplay(), PrimaryKeyUsedNormalize(), PrimaryKeyUsedSet()
property ReadOnly as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: ReadOnlyDisplayToLogical(), ReadOnlyGet(), ReadOnlyIsValid(), ReadOnlyLogicalToDisplay(), ReadOnlyNormalize(), ReadOnlySet()
property Result as %String;
Property methods: ResultDisplayToLogical(), ResultGet(), ResultIsValid(), ResultLogicalToDisplay(), ResultLogicalToOdbc(), ResultNormalize(), ResultSet()
property Serial as %Integer [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: SerialDisplayToLogical(), SerialGet(), SerialIsValid(), SerialLogicalToDisplay(), SerialNormalize(), SerialSet()
property UsePrimaryKeys as %Boolean [ InitialExpression = 0 ];
Property methods: UsePrimaryKeysDisplayToLogical(), UsePrimaryKeysGet(), UsePrimaryKeysIsValid(), UsePrimaryKeysLogicalToDisplay(), UsePrimaryKeysNormalize(), UsePrimaryKeysSet()
property generated [ MultiDimensional ];
Property methods: generatedDisplayToLogical(), generatedGet(), generatedIsValid(), generatedLogicalToDisplay(), generatedLogicalToOdbc(), generatedNormalize(), generatedSet()


method DisplayEJBCallBacks(Class As %String, ServerType As %String) as %Status
method DisplayLogMethods() as %Status
method DoArgPostInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoArgPreInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoBodyIntroducer(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, Length As %Integer) as %Status
method DoBodyTerminator(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoClassIntroducer(Class As %String, qstruct) as %Status
method DoClassTerminator(Class As %String) as %Status
method DoComplexGet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoComplexSet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoGet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoMethodIntroducer(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoMethodInvoke(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoPrototypeArgument(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, i As %Integer) as %Status
method DoPrototypeIntroducer(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper, FileClass As %String) as %Status
method DoPrototypeTerminator(Class As %String, Method As %Compiler.LG.MethWrapper) as %Status
method DoSerialGet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.EJBProperty, Attr As %String, Suffix As %String) as %Library.Status
method DoSerialSet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.EJBProperty, MiddleTerm As %String) as %Library.Status
method DoSet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoSimpleGet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoSimpleSet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.EJBProperty) as %Status
method DoWrappedGet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method DoWrappedSet(Class As %String, Property As %Compiler.LG.PropWrapper) as %Status
method Export(Class As %String, dir As %String, qstruct) as %Status
classmethod ExportBean(dir, EJBFlags As %Compiler.LG.EJBFlags, qstruct) as %Status
method FakeOutClassLoader(Class, hasbody) as %Status
method GenJDBCTypes(Class As %String, prefix As %String) as %Status
method GenRelease(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateBMPFindById(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %String
method GenerateBMPPkFindById(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %Status
method GenerateCMPCreate(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %Status
method GenerateCMPStubs(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateCreate(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %Status
method GenerateEntityContext(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateFindById(Class As %String) as %String
method GenerateFindByPrimaryKey(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %Status
method GenerateFindByPrimaryKeyOld(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %String
method GenerateFindsByOtherKey(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %String
method GenerateGetCacheClass(Class, hasbody) as %Status
method GenerateGetConnection(Class, ServerType) as %Status
method GenerateGetInitialContext(Class, ServerType) as %Status
method GenerateGetPkConn(Class, ServerType) as %Status
method GenerateLoad(Class) as %Status
method GenerateNewCacheObject(Class, hasbody) as %Status
method GeneratePropertyDeclarations(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateReleaseResource(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateRemove(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateSessionContext() as %Status
method GenerateStore(Class As %String) as %Status
method GenerateStubs(Class) as %Status
method GenerateToString(Class As %String, hasbody As %Boolean) as %String
method GenerateUnsetReferences(Class As %String) as %Status
method IncludeIncFile(IncFile As %String) as %Status
method TransPersistent(Class As %String, Property As %String) as %Status
method WriteSet(Property, Store, PropName, Embedded) as %Status
method WriteSetSerial(Property, Store, PropName, Embedded) as %Status
method genArrayOfSerialsFromChildTable(Class, Property) as %Status
method genCatchIOException() as %Status
method genCatchNumberFormatException() as %Status
method genCatchSQLException() as %Status
method genFinally(store As %Boolean, ejbCallback As %String) as %Status
method genFindByOtherKey(Class As %String, KeyName As %String, ConstraintFields As %String, Properties As %ArrayOfObjects, IDProp As %Compiler.LG.EJBProperty, hasbody As %Boolean, Fields As %List, PrimaryKeyProperties As %ArrayOfObjects) as %Status
method genGetFromList(Class, Property, IsEmbedded, IsCalledFromSerialGen) as %Status
method genGetJobNum(Class As %String) as %Status
method genGetQuickStatement() as %Status
method genListOfSerialsFromChildTable(Class, Property) as %Status
method genSerializeStream(Class, Property) as %Status
method genStoreArrayOfSerials(Class, Property, cpk, csuffix) as %Status
method genStoreListOfSerials(Class, Property, cpk, csuffix) as %Status

Inherited Members

Inherited Properties

Inherited Methods

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